Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Again With the Park!

Sunday morning was forecast to be a little cooler than the rest of the week (finally!) We had big plans to maybe go to the beach or something... but it was nice to sleep in a little and so we went to the park. Again. And it's a little busier on the weekends!
The slides are a little staticky!
Oh, and the sunglasses... they were freebies from the Stomp Out Stigma walk, and got put in the bottom of the stroller. Now, every time we use that stroller, Maia insists on wearing them for a while, then putting them back in the stroller basket so the cycle can continue. And yes, the bracelets (bray-se-slets!) were an important accessory!
So this time, since Ray was there, we could split our time, and each of us could spend some time playing with Maia (in the sun and the heat) while the other parent spent some time with Parker (in the shade).

By the end, we were all hot, sweaty and ready to go home to have some lunch.

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