Monday, August 23, 2010


Swaddling. Some parents swear by it. Some state their baby hated it. Some call it "tying the baby up" or think that it looks uncomfortable, so it must be uncomfortable... or too hot. Some babies like one arm out. Some believe that if your baby breaks out of the swaddle, they don't want to be in it.
For us, however... swaddling is a magical time. For Parker (and Maia, from birth to 6+ months), swaddling means comfort and calm at the end of witching hour, and the transition into night time. That time of night when the baby, after a day full of eating, sleeping and lots of activity, has become overstimulated. Or tired. Or cold. Or all of the above. And a little replication of the warmth and confinement of the womb (where he spent 9+ months warm and confined) is just what that developing nervous system needs to help chill. Relax. Pop in the paci (after half an hour of random fussing and 5-10 minutes of increasing to screaming)... Ahhhhh! Happy baby. Happy Parents. Good sleeping.
A Baby Burrito!

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