Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Day

After the house cleared out on Christmas Eve and the kids were in bed... Ray (who had been doing most of the house and dish cleaning this day) hit a brick wall and went to bed. This left me to finish the prep for Christmas morning. Present wrapping, unpacking the boxes from Aunt Tara and Nana. And clearing a space for the gifts from Santa. Wow. Look at all those presents. How fortunate are we? Particularly since this is round two!?
I'd been so far behind this season, I hadn't even gotten the mantle decorated (and never did) or the stockings hung (which is why they're not hung on the mantle). Still short an initial pin for Parker's stocking. Couldn't buy that ahead last year.
After about midnight, I went to bed. Then Ray woke up about 2 am and realized he wasn't done wrapping presents. He completed that task and went back to bed. We closed the pocket doors to the living room so Maia wouldn't go in and start opening gifts before she came downstairs to wake us.
When we finally did go in... Here's what Santa left for Maia and Parker.
These amazing kid friendly chairs, that come with canopies, snack trays, 3-point harness and a feature that makes the chair serve as a little stand-up play yard. I found a fantastic deal on them, and had to make sure that Santa put these on their list.
Santa made sure to identify which chair belonged to whom by taking their initial ornaments off the tree and attaching them to the chairs. He also included something fun to unwrap.

He probably didn't need to do that, though... Maia was very excited about her chair, and thought she would really just like to stay in it all morning and maybe eat her breakfast in it.
Parker did well in his, too.
There were toys, toys, and more toys! Maia did want to open each one and play with it.

Parker was delighted with his toys, too! Although he had to share with Maia... who was just as excited about his toys as he was.
And at the end... ? Ooooh, so much more clean up!
Well. At least it's all in one place now!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

Ah... Christmas Eve! We offered to host my family this year, so we could try to get some naps in and at least try to contain the challenge that is getting an over-excited 2-year-old off her eating and sleeping schedule on top of everything else. And over all, she did really well. Just before everyone was due to arrive we planned take a couple pics of the two kids together, but ran out of time. We managed to take two pics, and this was the better of the two.
The afternoon started out with some grazing and snacking. All sorts of yummy food, while Andrew got the prime rib started (MMmmmMMm nom nom nom!!)
After we were more-or-less sated, we got down to presents. We started in order, youngest to oldest.
Parker was mostly fascinated with the paper, which was headed immediately to his mouth if possible. And that's to be expected of a six month old.

Maia was ready to help others open their presents, although sometimes she did need a bit of help herself getting unwrapping started or boxes opened.
One of the early "hits" of the day was an apron, chef's hat and oven glove set for Maia. She was delighted, and wore it around for quite a while.
Parker got some new teethers and books and clothes.

Still wearing chef gear.
We failed to get a picture of the entire family together, but we got 4 of the 5 kids together. Parker was napping at the time.
Another big fave of the day was Maia's new doll. And she loves playing mommy.

At the end of opening presents, the kids burnt off some energy while we prepared dinner. Adrian read books, Lydia and Maia played dress up.
They all played with Parker. And Parker smiled.
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Solid Food!

Parker has seemed very interested in what we've been doing during dinner time. He watches the food go into our mouths, and reaches for everything. Good sign he's ready to try solids, right? Turns out, not so sure. Maia was beyond excited about him trying some baby food.
So we tried a little mashed avocado. And Maia was there for every minute. And wanted to help.

Parker wasn't so sure.
He really liked the spoon, though.
Bang, bang, bang, bang!!
In case you're wondering... I did eventually give her a carefully guided turn helping put the spoon in Parker's mouth. She was delighted. Such a good big sister! And Maia was also such a big helper, she even wanted to clean Parker up!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Seeing Santa

Maia has been very very excited about the idea of seeing Santa, ever since he started appearing on TV after Thanksgiving. I'm not sure why Santa is so exciting to her. I'm not sure she would remember much outside of the little things she's been taught. Like: What does Santa say? "Ho! Ho! Hooooooo!"
But excited she was, so we went to the mall to see him on a blustery, sloppy winter day. Ray stood in line at the post office to buy Holiday Stamps as we made our way down to the center of the mall. We specifically chose the quieter, lamer mall so wait times wouldn't be as bad. And we scored: 1 person in line ahead of us.
Maia was her typical self. Happy to meet someone new. Fearless of strangers. She talked his ear off... in fact, of the six photos taken, this was one of two in which she wasn't turned toward Santa, talking to him. And, as usual, you can't get Maia to smile and look at a camera. One or the other, my friends... one or the other.
Parker was content, but not smiley, which was unusual. But the photo-folks were just thrilled that both kids were calm and content and did actually look at the camera at the same time. Oh, and Maia's Christmas Wish? Presents aaaand cake! Apparently the line between Christmas and Birthday is still a little blurry in Maia's head.
The next Monday at school, the kids went to see Santa at the Retirement Village. I'm told she was very funny. Fearless, again.
Hi! she said to Santa. My name is Maia!
"I'm Santa", said he.
"I like your boots!"
This time Maia was more specific. She wanted dollies aaaaand stuffed animals aaaaand wild animals! She was a little upset when Santa wasn't immediately forthcoming with those items.
The director did apparently come to get Parker for this visit to Santa as well, and I'm told there are pictures, but I haven't seen them.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Making Cookies

It's The Holidays, and that means a mandate for making Monster Cookies. I decided to go ahead make the BIG BATCH of these peanut butter oatmeal delights this year. That means big amounts of ingredients: 1 pound of butter... 1 dozen eggs... 4 cups of white sugar, 2 pounds of brown... and one petite helper in the kitchen, who was delighted to wear this apron and help.
Pouring the sugar.
Maia helped me pour the sugar... ... and the eggs (with only a little drama!)
 And, to help me enter a new record in the "Proud Moments in Parenting" archives: Maia wanted to taste each ingredient before we added it. Karo syrup, yum! Baking soda... Well, I warned her, you can taste it, but it won't taste very good to you. Finger into soda, finger into mouth. She pulls a face. That sucks! she says seriously.
Oh, so proud. Anyway.
We pour it all the mixed ingredients into the Big Bowl and start mixing by hand.

Butter. Eggs. Sugar. More Sugar. Vanilla. Sucky Baking Soda.
... and add 3 pounds of Peanut Butter.
Then oatmeal. LOTS of oatmeal.
The oatmeal incorporation starts.

Usually by the time I get half of the oatmeal mixed in, my arm is exhausted, and it's time to call in the reinforcements. By this time, Maia is down for a nap; but this is an all-day prospect, so I keep working.
M&Ms and Chocolate Chips.
Mmmmm M & Ms! Chocolate Chips!
Completed dough

 Maia and her ice pack. Why? Because any little bump, bruise, minor perception of near-miss injury requires an ice pack.
Maia and her Ice Pack

Cookies on well-seasoned baking stones.

Finished Cookies.

They have to be some of the ugliest (but yummiest) cookies in the world. But after all that work, and with warm cookies fresh from the oven, what did my daughter want to eat for a snack?
Milk and Pomegranate.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Parker at 6 Months

Weight: 17 lbs, 11 oz (52%)
Height: 26.5 (50%)
Clothes: 6 mos (onesies only), 6-9 mos, some 9 mos
Shoes: size 1
Teeth: 2 (bottom middle) Hair: getting longer. All his baby hair is gone and has been replaced by new growth, although he still has a little bald spot on the back of his head, which is to be expected. His eyelashes are beautiful, but hard to see because of his haircolor. Interestingly, as big as he seems, and as high in the percentages as he had been ranging through 4 months... he seems to be settling in. He's just about doubled in size from birth. I kept looking at that scale thinking Are you sure that's right? He's only gained 11 oz. in 2 months? I would have sworn he's closer to 19 lbs. by now. He's a solid boy. Currently, Parker:
- tolerates tummy time much better than he did a month ago.
- skootches himself backwards and around in circles, and can turn himself sideways to get something he wants.
- will get his legs underneath his bum if he gets frustrated enough.
- is developing a great and easy sense of humor. It is not difficult to get him to smile and/or laugh. He loves to be tickled!
- seems to prefer putting his paci in his mouth upside down!
- great spatial awareness. He's very adept at getting his paci in his mouth, passing his toys from one hand to another, etc.

Daycare continues to tell me he is a joy. That they'd gladly have a room full of him, he's generally so content; smiley and chatty. He's got a fairly predictable schedule, he sleeps well. Biggest challenge he usually gives them is his weekly diaper blowout.