Sunday, December 29, 2013


"At home, I have an invisible shelf where I keep my listening ears," says Maia.

"You do? How many pairs do you have?" I ask.

"Oh, at least ten-ish or more."

"Wow. I see." I pause thoughtfully. "Are some of those 'selective listening ears?'"

"Yeah. Two pair. And a couple others don't work very well at all. But I magically transported a pair of good listening ears for today," she says, matter-of-factly. "I think I need to get the other ones fixed."

Friday, December 20, 2013

Holiday Concert

I apologize for the shaky video...  but Enjoy!  My little guy in the blue and red plaid.

Ah, the fidgety joy of preschoolers. The wave to the parents at 0:32, The over-enunciation at 0:47, Parker's deep voiced "Like George Washington!" at the end. Love it, love it!

Oh, and Maia's got to get her cameo in. Check out the bottom of the screen around 0:10. See the hands holding up a piece of paper? She made a sign that said "I love you Parker" (she got most of the letters all by herself, but she isn't terribly concerned with spacing right now, so had you seen the front of it, you may not have realized it actually contained words. Just some very  l a r g e letters). Clearly, she's his biggest fan.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Mommy and me as fairies. Sorry, I ran out of time to give you arms.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

First aid

M: Parker, Parker! Come help me pack our first day kit!
P: Oh kaaay
M: We are going to explore the Indian Ocean and sometimes there are whales and stuff that might bite you so we need our first day kit so I can rescue you.
P: Okay Maia. Can I swing from dis vine?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

On the Second Day of Kinder

Maia wore one of her favorite dresses to school on day two. At lunch time, a classmate turned to her and said: "Your dress is, like, beautiful."  So she gave him a hug, and laid down near him at siesta.

Or so she reported. By the weekend, some additional details came to light. His name is Leonardo.

Leonardo's mother is a 1st grade teacher at the school. She witnessed the original exchange, and reported to my sister that Maia also kissed Leonardo, she was so happy with his compliment.

Maia now reports that she chases Leonardo at recess, and sometimes she catches him.

Maia's teacher now reports that Leonardo, who is shy, seems to like the attention, and likes Maia too. He looks for her to lay next to him at siesta. She reports it seems to have helped his transition.

Last night (two weeks in) Maia told me about some other friends at school (Kendall, who has a locker next to her, and Olivia who shared her quarters on Cookie Wednesday because she didn't like the cookies), but still admits to chasing Leonardo. And sometimes catching him. She's pretty fast.

"Wow, Maia!" I say. "It sounds like you really like to be with Leonardo. Is he a good friend to you?"
Oh mommy, she says, I love him!
"Really?" I tease, "Do you want to marry him?"
Oh yes! she sighs.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

On the First Day of Kinder

The first day of kindergarten. Oh man, this is big stuff. New school. New language. New classmates. New teachers. No Parker with her.

We signed up for the lottery drawing to get into the local Spanish Immersion school in the spring, and enrolled her in the neighborhood school while we waited. There were 84 kids waiting for 23 slots. We crossed our fingers and waited.  The letter came: we were number 34 on the waiting list. 
We are fortunate that the neighborhood elementary is excellent, and we really couldn't lose with either of our choices; but Immersion education is such an amazing opportunity. I was disappointed, and so was Maia. 

InAugust, while visiting Nana and Grandpa, I got a call from the school secretary at the immersion school. Would we still be interested? I didn't hesitate a moment! Yes, yes, yes!!

The next few weeks were a rush of excitement and preparation, sharing with friends that she was going to Aunt Kathleen's school (she is the maestra de música, the music teacher). Backpacks and lunch bags were purchased. Crayons and markers and Friday Folders. We met her teacher at the ice cream social, and found that a friend from daycare would not only be at the school, but would be in her class. A familiar face on day one. She made other friends on the playground.

Then the day arrived. And as we drove in, her courage and excitement faltered. "Mommy, I'm scared!"  My heart sank for her, and my tears came as hers did (though I did not let her see them). Feeling the weight of the unknown for both of us. The knowing that life is changing forever, we can't go back to the security of the child care family who has supported us for the last five years. We are all growing up today.

We met Ray on the curb, and Maia tried to put on a brave face... But tears came again, with a little more urgency. We took deep breaths together, and I was determined to let her feel and process so she could move on with her day. This kid has an intensity that is not to be denied, so she may have been the only kid sobbing, but I thought she was entitled, given the fact that all the security she has known in her five years has been stripped away, layer by layer, in the last three months. Go ahead and cry for a minute, kid. You are entitled to those feelings. 

Eventually, she settled, and took a place by her teacher. She saw her friend Megan from daycare, and the new friend she'd met. And by the time she entered the doors of her school, she was settled. Calm. Brave. Curious. 

Parker, for his part, was only excited to move on to the preschool classroom with his friends, and Miss Nikki, who loves him (the feeling is mutual). I'm really excited to see how he comes into his own, and blossoms without his lovingly overbearing sister standing guard.  My moment of wistfulness was for the day that we leave this amazing daycare family. And that makes me teary, so I'm grateful I have two more years.

I can't believe it. First day of Kindergarten. First day of Preschool. Where did my babies go, and look at these amazing kids?

A word about Immersion:
Kids brains are completely open to new language as that is a big part of its job in the developmental years. So the brain of a child can easily learn multiple languages side-by-side. Whereas adults learning a new language have to filter through their native language, translating into comprehension, the child's brain organizes the information differently. And being bilingual as a child will also allow the older learner to pick up additional languages more easily.
She should be fluent by the time she hits third grade. How cool is that?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Scavenger Hunt

Dear Maia,
Today in Pre-K, your participated in a nature scavenger hunt with your classmates.
Your teacher told me that you "rocked it.". Not only did you have fun, but you made sure you had Every. Item. On. That. List. Even the "hard" ones that no one was finding. You waived your teacher off "Yeah, I already got that one." And you helped your friends find theirs too.

I'm not proud of you because you found them all. I'm proud of you because you were driven, determined and confident. I want those feelings for you every day. Some days you don't have those feelings locked in, and it breaks my heart to watch you struggle through dark days. But oh how I rejoice when you find your way through to the other side. Happy and self assured.

My scavenger hunt for you? Find:
- courage
- grace
- determination
- patience
- empathy
- confidence
- joy

Let's all keep looking together, okay?


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Story telling

"It was April, and everything was starting to grow and come alive again. We were walking, and a mountain lion came. And... I don't want to tell you the rest. Its too scary."

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spring? Is it you?

Oh, what a beautiful day!  We can see the green grass and enjoy the sun!
check out the rocks
Swing on the swing and ride our bikes in the driveway!
And if we're lucky - we won't land in "jail"!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

We're super, thanks for asking!

My little super heroes. 

They were doing a super job playing nicely together. I love those days.
This game lasted for a LONG time and had LOTS of giggles. Parker would open the closet door, Maia would peek her head out and make a loud noise, and cascades of laughter would fill the room.
Parker is going through a semi-nudist phase, but they'd like to show you how strong they are.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

We LOVE to Dance

Also... I didn't get to my phone fast enough to take the video when she started. She'd done 5 or 6 pull ups by the time I took this video... her fingertips gripping the edge of the mantle. This chicky is full of muscle!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Santa Parade: Thanksgiving Weekend 2012

Daddy volunteered to work the Santa Parade. He even got assigned to security detail for The Big Guy himself!  It was their first parade so it was a new experience for them.

It was cold, but the kids enjoyed it a great deal (minus a few meltdowns), but were SUPER sad daddy didn't wave at them or hear them calling for him!  :(

Friday, March 29, 2013


We missed going to see the butterflies last year because we let our membership to the Gardens lapse.  But after Maia started asking, I decided we should reup and go see some butterflies!
We found this little area we'd never seen before. It was a large room filled with wood cutouts of trees and all the garden's sculptures, which you could rearrange to your liking.  They also had a model of the tram, which Parker could hardly wait for other kids to let go of so he could get his hands on it!

We checked out the arid garden, and despite many warnings NOT to touch the pokey plants, Maia managed to get her fingers on one which looked soft, but had fine little barbed hairs which stuck in the skin and were difficult to get out and VERY irritating.  We learned an important lesson!
Checking out the Caterpillars

Throwing in our pennies to make a wish!

We had a great time, Parker was very excited and we look forward to going back to the Children's Garden when the weather is nice!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Super Powers

Parker was LONG overdue for a hair cut, and life set it up so I couldn't just pick him up early from school on a Friday to do it.  So I took him in for a 5:30 haircut while Daddy and Maia had a dinner date.

Parker was so dear with my hairdresser, giving her big cuddly hugs, laying his head on her shoulder and patting her back.  She told him that made her so happy.  He did a pretty good job getting his hair cut (for a wiggly two year old) and I went through an awful lot of tricks to try and help keep him looking in the direction I needed (kisses and zerbets on my hand worked nicely to keep him looking down).

When he was done, more cuddles and hugs and she told him she was so happy that he did such a good job. He did a great job using his manners and conned the staff out of some extra candy for being so polite and sweet.

After that, headed for our own dinner date.  He was wiggly, but in good spirits and very curious about anything and everything he saw in the restaurant. Across the aisle from us was a set of parents and grandparents and an older baby having dinner.  Parker was concerned when the baby fussed and whined.  "Why he cwying? Momma, why dat baby cwying?"
"He's not happy, Parker. Crying is how babies tell us something is wrong when they don't have words yet." 
"Ooooh. Why he sad?"

By this time, the baby is being walked around by his grandfather, and Parker asks the Grandpa "Why he sad? Why he cwying?"  The grandfather is amused and talks to Parker a little while about the baby, and finishes up with "And it's his very first birthday today!"

"Oh!" Parker brightened. "Happy Birfday baby!"  and he began singing the happy birthday song, slowing and looking at me at the "Happy birfday dear... baby?" as if I might supply the baby's name.  "... Happy birfday tew yew!"

The parents and grandparents burst into applause and thanked him for singing.  I looked at Parker and said "That was a very nice thing you did. I think you made them very happy!"

"Yeah!" he squealed, "dat's my super power!!"

Yes it is, buddy! Yes it is.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ashes, ashes...

Picking up the kids from daycare on Ash Wednesday, Maia noticed the mother of one of her friends with a dark smudge of ash on her forehead.  "Why does Ella's mom have purple marker all over her forehead?" 

Oh honey! I chuckle, Today is something called Ash Wednesday. Some people think about the bad choices they make sometimes and how sorry they are for making those choices and how much they want to change and make good choices.  The go to church to get ashes on their forehead, just for today, to remind them to try not to make bad choices anymore. 

Oh. She ponders. "I make bad choices sometimes."
Yes, I tell her, everyone does.

Fast Forward, next morning, in the car.  I am just about to open my door to get her out at the daycare drop off when she animatedly tells me: "Mom. I don't want to make bad choices today so I'm going to put some purple marker on my head too!"

I'm not sure that was such a good choice either... but I appreciate the sentiment! Now where are the wipes?
She did not appreciate my exasperated chuckle and the need to take a photo.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ol' Grey Tooth

Sometime around the end of November, Parker took two rather nasty tumbles that ended in bloody lips, both within a week of each other.  After a little while, we noticed one of his front teeth started to turn gray.

We were worried, of course, because it just kept getting darker and darker, and were worried that he had permanently damaged his tooth... and, well... we didn't have dental coverage on him yet as our pediatrician and pediatric dentist don't recommend visits until they're 3. 

This is probably the best photo I have for seeing it... see the right front tooth (well, his left)?  It looks a little shadowy.
Tooth Noir?
Concerned, I did some googling and was satisfied to learn that 1: there wasn't much we could do, and 2: sometimes they go away on their own.  Basically, it's a bruise inside the tooth; and as long as the tooth itself wasn't broken or damaged, we were fine.

So when insurance started for P at the new year, I made an appointment.  Our pediatric dentist's office is about the coolest place ever. It's decorated with a new theme every few months and it's always over the top.
This time: snowmen.  Parker was delighted with what he found and performed a good 15 minutes of very vocal pretending with his two "wace cawrs" which was eliciting some amused chuckles from the parents of older kids. Pretty sure he could have stayed there all day.  Some how, he often manages to say a lot more when his big sister isn't around to lead the way.

But eventually it was time to go back and get an X-Ray.  He did awesome.
I got to see the X-Rays while gave him a ride in the fancy chair and counted his teeth. No cleaning until next time.  His x-rays looked clear, even to me, and his teeth looked healthy (yay!)
In fact, the gray that we'd been seeing in December and January did finally seem to be fading, and so we I was assured we were good to go until he returns at three.  He was kind and took a sticker for Maia (he doesn't like them, unless it's to stick to paper. Absolutely NOT on his clothes or skin!) and he got a couple of cars for his visit.
Smart dentist. Happy Boy!  And gray tooth no more.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Their first time down a big hill and what a gorgeous day!

Maia liked it better than Parker. He got a face full of cold powder and was done. Maia was happy to go far and fast and crash into the snow.

Can we go again after nap, mama?


We had a great snow day at home. The week started out in the 50s and raining... by Saturday... 18" of snow and temps in the teens.

We played in the yard in the morning. I made french bread from scratch (yay me!). We even got to swing a little.

After Parker took his nap, we headed over to Grandma and Papa's to play in the snow with Casey. The kids even got a shovel ride from Papa.