Friday, May 28, 2010

2 Weeks Left ?

This is day number 265 and you're 37 weeks pregnant!
You have 15 days or 2 weeks left, and are 94.6% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 251 days or 35 weeks.

My OB always seems to be delivering babies on Friday mornings. This morning we had to wait for him to finish up a delivery, and 2 weeks ago, he had to run out to do one. He's sort of a solo-practice OB (his wife, an internal med doc, works with him... but she doesn't handle the baby stuff), and he loves to talk tech stuff with Ray.

So he comes in late, apologizes (for what? doing your job.. no problem, I can wait!) and we go over my birth plan. Yep, yep, yep... GBS is negative (yay), so he's okay with me asking for Hep Lock instead of IV... Never does episiotomies unless it's a last resort... Okay with intermittent fetal monitoring and no internal monitoring unless baby is clearly in distress. Then DH states: Hey, did you know they're taking down the fetal monitoring software on 6/14 (my due date is the 12th) to do upgrades? Nope, OB didn't know, but... he says - it's FINE. Here's the deal with continuous fetal monitoring, he says: It's a huge crock of ***. Some guy in the 70s came out with this system, touted it as a way to decrease the number of cerebral palsy cases because you could monitor for signs of distress. Everyone bought into it and it became the standard of care without a single study ever being done to see if more continuous monitoring really improved outcomes in any way. So what happened in the 30 years since then? CP rates are about the same, but C-section rates have climbed to 30-35% in the country, in part because of all the fetal monitoring making doctors panicky.

What it DID do was make it easier for fewer nurses to cover more laboring mothers, thereby saving hospitals money in labor costs. So for his laboring mothers on 6/14? hello, that's what the hand-held doppler is for. And a little extra attention. Oh, and if you go into labor on a weekend I'm not on call, please page me anyway and let me know what's going on. If I'm not too many glasses of wine in, I'd like to be there. Man. I love this guy's honesty

So anyway. Progress? Nope. None whatsoever. Not effaced. Not dialated (I was 50% and 1 cm at this point with Maia, I think). I'm actually relatively convinced that my mind is not going to let me start relaxing enough to progress until I get a few urgent issues resolved at work. I'm really hoping that I'll get most of the issues resolved by the end of the next week. Anyway, I'm measuring on track, heartbeat good, and my BP is still good.

And for funsies: a pic of Maia this morning before daycare. The "ponies" are from yesterday, she sometimes she gets pretty adamant about NOT having them taken out at the end of the day... and, well, last night Aunt Kathleen put her to bed (Ray and I had a nice dinner at the Chop House with a group of his co-workers). So they're looking pretty rough, here. And yes, she's standing on her toes. She will still do this occasionally, and even when bare foot.

1 comment:

  1. And the girls at daycare taught her to say "Go Yankees!" which was nice of them, since we live in Tiger country.
