Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Parker at 10 months

Ten Months. Wow.
What's Parker doing at 10 months?
We're seeing lots more social interaction: clapping, So Big, bouncing games, being upside down and giving zerbits.  He thinks it's hysterical if you put his paci in your mouth (I usually do this in reverse, putting the handle in my mouth).  He'll often try, now, to share his paci with you.

He's very ticklish, especially his feet.

He is cruising around furniture much more quickly, and although not yet standing independantly, he is starting to let go briefly.  He is strong, and is starting to get MUCH more determined, particularly when he has something in his hands that you are trying to remove from his grasp. He is strong!  He is starting to play and explore more independently, and given the opportunity, loves to follow his sister around.  He continues to be pretty tolerant of her brief but smoothering affections.
He is also (finally) in his own bed and his own room.  We're still working through the chronic ear infections, but he's generally capable of sleeping through the night.  I, however, couldn't tell you the last time I got a restful night, which makes it tough to parent.   He generally gets sleey during dinner, and goes down well around 7 pm.  The bad part is that he still wakes several times a night, and has lately started waking for the day at 5-5:30 a.m.

Have I told you about his thick, long lashes?  He's had these since shortly after birth!
Parker is doing well with self feeding and getting the hang of his sippy cup.
Other stats:
Teeth: 8
Clothes:  mostly 12 months
Shoes: not really wearing them, but extremely fond of taking off socks.
Weight: Approximately 20 lbs.

He's doing pretty well with his sippy cup, and has started feeding himself with a spoon. Once he has the spoon, he is not fond of giving it up. (See very strong as mentioned above).  Verbally - he's increasingly chatty, and seems to try to repeat syllables or simple words that you share with him.  For example, if you tell him "Uh oh!"  He'll grin and say "Uh Uh!"  and flap his arms. He won't, yet, verbalize "uh oh" on his own.

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