Friday, April 8, 2011


So what were we doing spending all that time at Home Depot?  Well, since we bought the house, we knew that the kitchen needed some attention.   What to do first?  Well, as the sink randomly leaks water through the cabinet and onto the washing machine, the faucet seals all leak and the garbage disposal is on it's way out...  It's time to say goodbye to this eyesore.
We hemmed and hawed.  What do we want to spend?  Do we want to keep it simple, or buy stuff that we think will last us as long as we live here, and we'd still want to keep if ever we do get around to remodeling the whole kitchen?  This sink or that one? This faucet or that one?  Do we get a water filtration system, too? 

We made our decisions (no on the filtration system, we'll keep using our Pur pitcher).  We hired a subcontractor to do the work (since we don't have the necessary tools, equipment, knowledge or desire to do this ourselves).  His window was Friday afternoon from 1-6.  He showed up at 6:15 p.m.  He finished at nearly 10 p.m.

However, he did a nice job, and here is our pretty new sink!  Look how shiny!
So our cabinets now look a little dull, and I'm realizing how boring and awful our counter surfaces are....
but Look How Shiny!!!

It's extra deep, and you can fit a whole roasting pan in it, and the sprayer works, and the disposal is nice and quiet.  And it's somewhere I would actually feel comfortable bathing a baby (and I did).

Have I told you how much I love my new sink?

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