Monday, April 4, 2011


As I'm putting Maia to bed one night last week, she tells me "I'm just sad an mad an angwy." I asked her why she was sad, mad and angry. She tells me "because of feelings." (Ha.) I asked what was making her feel that way and she said "Dose mean scawy monsters over dere." So we came up with some things she could do to get rid of those. We talked about saying "Boo" to them and asking them to go away, or taking "big magic breaths" and blowing them away.

As we did those things, she would tell me where those monsters were. "Crawling out da window!" "One bit da blinds!" "Now they're on my Wally!" (stuffed walrus) She clearly wasn't scared as we were doing this, but I'm just stunned! Is this how her mind is working right now? How does she know so much about monsters and have that kind of imagination so young?

I'll leave you with a photo of her at the Gardens. We went a few weekends ago to see the butterflies (just the two of us).

She started out wanting to hold the admission tickets, then she was extremely interested in the rocks in the Arid Garden. Once we got into the Tropicals, it was all about seeing the waterfall.  

I wanted to take a quick peek at the gift shop before leaving, where we ran into her friend Claire, from daycare.  Maia ran up and gave her a hug, and the two of them spent a few giggly minutes playing with the toys.

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