Friday, March 19, 2010

Little Funnies

Today as I was dropping Maia off at daycare, her teacher Nikki told me a funny little story from a few weeks ago, before Maia's good friend Celia moved up to the T2 classroom (ah, sad day! Celia's mother says Celia misses Maia, and I think Maia feels the same).
Maia was having a day where she was simply NOT interested in keeping her shoes on (we generally don't wear shoes in the house, but they always do at daycare, so I understand this confusion).  Nikki told her she needed to put her shoes on so she could go outside with her friends.  So Maia sat herself down with her shoes and tried to put them on with little success.  Celia walked near, and Maia reached out her shoe toward Celia and said "Help?"  Celia responded "Okay!" and sat down to try and help Maia put on her shoes.  Celia tried for a few moments, but did not have any success.  She placed Maia's shoe on the floor next to Maia, stood up and gave her an "All done" sort of gesture, as if to say: I've done all I can do here!
The teachers found this very amusing, but of course, cannot laugh while watching these little interactions.
Yesterday, Jessica (a T2 teacher, who was in the infant room when Maia first started at daycare) had her daughter (maybe 4 years old?)with her during the end of the day.  As I was picking up Maia, she was talking (as usual) and Jessica's daughter remarked to her mother: "She has words!"  Jessica and I both laughed: Yes, I said, she has LOTS of words, and if you give her some time, she'll probably tell you them all!

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