Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Well, Ray is making some progress with his leg - it's now mostly scabbed over, and we've been able to put aside the nightly ritual of neosporin, telfa pads and gauze wraps. He's taking tomorrow night off from softball to play a little golf with his co-workers. First golf game this season (Finally!). I've actually been encouraging him to go since the weather started getting nice, because I'm thinking we'll be pre-occupied come August. Although he has been filling his time with biking, softball and Lamaze classes. Oh, and mowing the lawn all the time after all that rain!

Anyway. I'm making progress too. I've been limping along at work, wearing my extremly attractive Birkenstocks, as they're the only thing that fits both the extra swelling of my foot, and accomodates the air cast. Looking forward to wearing real shoes again. Pain is completely managable, which is good, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed I'll be mostly back to normal by next week (4 to 6 weeks? Bah!)

The ankle is still not pretty:

There's a little size difference between the two of them... but I'm encouraged.

Pregnancy Update:
This is day number 227 and you're 32 weeks pregnant!
You have 53 days or 8 weeks left, and are 81.1% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 213 days or 30 weeks.

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