Tuesday, December 16, 2008

4 Months Old!

So we met a new doc (Dr. Mike) at the pediatric practice and really liked him.  He was, in fact, my first choice, but unfortunately his practice is full. They wouldn't let me choose him as Maia's PCP.  He also loved Maia... but alas.  It was not meant to be!
Anyway... so she's growing well.  That delayed growth spurt seems to have done the trick, so here's where we are now:
Weight: 13 lbs, 12 oz... 55th percentile
Height: 24 3/4"... 70th percentile
Head Circumfrence: 16 3/8... 85th percentile (she's got that big Ashley noggin!)
It is my opinion that Maia is doing well with her current feeding regimen, and I am not feeling the need to introduce solids to her quite yet, and was hoping to wait until between 5 and 6 months.  Dr. Mike concurred and cited AAP guidelines to support my intentions, but does want us to start solids before she actually turns 6 months old.  I'm very comfortable with that.
Also, he nicely gave me a little statistic to help me feel (1%) better about having Maia in daycare:
Although kids in daycare tend to have 12 illness a year (as opposed to the 6 a year for kids who stay at home), they also tend to have a lower incidence of allergies and asthma, since their immune systems are so busy.
Anyway.  That's the update for now.  We do have pics and videos to upload... but we've been rather busy (and when not busy - EXHAUSTED!).  We'll hopefully get them up soon. 

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