Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We never water our lawn.  It's just not something we feel the need to do.  That said, we did happen upon an extremely hot and dry period of weeks during the dog days of summer, and the lawn was getting a little crispy.  Ray decided to haul our our single, lonely little sprinkler.

This was intriguing to Maia.  Her last run in with the sprinkler (at about 10 months old) she wasn't really a fan. Times change. She looked at that sprinkler for a few minutes, and ran to get her swim suit.

Is there anything better than being a kid, running through the sprinkler on a hot summer day?
Parker was happy to watch Maia play and to be outdoors.  He wandered from side to side of the steps, holding on the railing... trying to figure out his way down so he could climb back up.

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