On Thursday night, Uncle Wayne and Uncle Roger came out to camp to give us a little informal concert. They've played together for many years, but this was a unique opportunity for us.
Uncle Wayne set up the microphone and amp ahead of time, and naturally, there were some curious children. I was cooking dinner in the screen house when I heard Maia's amplified voice announce:
Momma, I want a snaaack please!
Family and friends were there to visit, but turned their back from the usual campfire direction to listen, enjoy and even make a request or two.
Maia was delighted that they sang both the verses to "You Are My Sunshine." She prefers the second verse, and usually calls the song "The Other Night Dear." When she was smaller, I'd sing the song to her at bedtime, and when we got to and so I hung my head and cried, she'd giggle.
Ring of Fire
This is Maia's new friend, Serena. They were camped next door, and Maia made friends with her on a trip to the bathroom by saying "Hi. I like your skateboard." Serena apparently thought she was cute, and Maia sought her out frequently over the following days. Serena would ask for hugs and kisses (which Maia was happy to give) and was nice enough to include her in some of the play with the bigger kids: Destiny, Morgan and Connor.
Wayne, Maia, Destiny, Serena and Roger
Row, row, row your boat
And when it was finally time to go to bed, she cried But I want to sing into the microphone! I waaaaant toooo!
Rachael sang, and Ray also got a chance to play with his uncles, but unfortunately, I have no pictures of that, as I was putting one Very Over Tired Girl to bed. With difficulty.
(and still they woke up before 6:45 every day. What's with that?)
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