Three. Is it possible, she's already Three?
I demand of Dr. Seuss: Maia is three? How can that be?

So who is 3-year-old Maia? She's got a ridiculous vocabulary for her age. Little surprises daily, for example one day recently she used "neither" correctly 3 times in one day, and at least once with a "nor". She is doing a great job learning her letter sounds. She can identify some of the letters that might be in a word by listening to it (e.g.; Grandma has a G and an M, and if we work on it slowly, and if it's just that sort of day and she wants to, she can come up with most the letter sounds she is hearing). However, she has zero interest in learning how to write her letters or draw; she cannot be tied down that long. On one hand, she seems pretty mature and responsible for her age, but she routinely reminds us: She's still three, with all the age-appropriate boundary pushing and poor decision making and whining. Screaming happily or not happily, jumping/skipping/dancing everywhere, everything to do with princesses (especially Disney ones, even though she's only ever seen Tangled and Snow White up to this point) and pretending are dominating her activity now. Along with nonsense words (making up her own language? She's mastered this one, time to move on?) and naming all her dolls and animals... Although most of them seem to be named Min-AW! (No. I have no idea.) She loves to hide in her closet and under her bed, but immediately gives herself away by giggling or saying "Can you find me, mommy?"
She wears 2T/3T sizes (as usual: length fits before circumference, so we're all about the saggy britches and plumbers crack unless we haul out our
dapper snappers and
clippos to cinch them together.) She is potty trained except for overnights (sometimes she'll wear a pull up for naps, but if she doesn't, she'll get up to use the bathroom. If she does wear the pull-up, she figures its an excuse to use it). She is between a size 6 and 7 shoe. She still sucks on her fingers. She loves to pick out her own clothes and dress herself. She doesn't need much help. Weight and height will be updated after the doctor's visit.
She is a bundle of joy and energy and excitement about everything! ... except maybe sitting down and being quiet. That she doesn't do so much, unless she's watching
Yo Gabba Gabba,
Ni-hao Kai-Lan,
Dino Dan,
Blue's Clues or one of the aforementioned princess movies.
So. In keeping with her princessy wishes, it was a princess themed party!
Lydia, Maia and Gracie all played together and had a lot of fun!
Aunt Kathleen read Maia one of her cards.
She wore her princess button, and waived her princess wand (do they have wands? Perhaps it's a scepter...)
And Adrian brought a Spider Man playing the violin. Because what birthday party would be complete without that?
Parker sat contentedly with Papa.
And finally, after dinner and presents, it was time for the cake!
Maia thought the cake was beautiful, and was really "excited about that." And, as she had demonstrated to Nana, Grandpa and Aunt Tara on skype the night before... singing "Happy Birthday" to her makes her cry. A lot.
Usually for the kids' birthdays, I try to put together a photo slide show. Unfortunately, I ran out of time and so I did a Kitchen Cabinet Art Gallery instead.