Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Parker's swingin!

Maia could not have been more delighted when I pulled the swing out of storage and put Parker in it. She discovered Parker in it when she got up from her nap, and was really eager to push him as vigorously as she likes to be pushed when she swings.

A little tummy time for Parker.

Maia loves peas. Her favorite vegetable. On this night, I had steamed some frozen peas, and they were in a little bowl on the table to go with the pasta we were eating. While I was preparing the rest of the meal, Maia climbed up on my chair, dumped the entire bowl of peas into my pasta bowl, and started chowing down.
Parker was overdue for a bath, and Maia loves to be involved in everything that happens to Parker (diaper changes, clothing changes, baths and the like). So we brought her steps into the kitchen so she could "help" daddy give Parker a bath. Parker, for his part, does surprisingly well with baths, considering how he doesn't much like to be cold.
And like all kids, she's gotta check out the other kid's toys. 

I found her here after getting Parker settled down elsewhere.

A little more tummy time for Parker. He's not much of a fan.
Maia thinks she needs to help.

A toddler moment. Caught on film.

Since Parker's not interested... I think I'll be taking this toy.
Oh, and have I mentioned how fuzzy Parker is? He's sooooo soft!
Parker swings contentedly without his big sister's help. Amazing.
We recently pulled out this LeapPad (previously a fave of the puddles, and donated to the cause of my children). It's been well loved, and has a few electronic quirks that are common to cartridge games, but Maia was delighted and has been doing a good job learning how to touch the green circle. That's not what impresses me, though. Check out how she's holding the pen. I'm not aware of that having been one of the things they're teaching at daycare, and I haven't taught it at home. So I don't know if it's intuitive or learned, but that's a pretty correct grip for someone who is years away from learning to write.
Man, I love my kids!!

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