- Hold a something resembling a conversation on the phone, assuming the adult on the other end asks lots of questions for her to answer.
- Skip/lope sideways
- Can still jump with both feet (she's been able to do this for probably 8-9 months now)
- Use pronouns (him, her)
- Understands opposite concepts like under/over, wet/dry, in/out, off/on
- Knows how to turn on/off switches on her toys, even the hidden ones.
- Open the refrigerator to get her sippies, things out of the door, or pull the spiggot on the Pur Water dispenser
- Knows all her letters
- Can identify most numbers from 1-9 (ocassionally confusing 3 with E)
- Will say please, thank you and pardon me without prompting
- Pardon me is used for passing gas or when bumping into someone (or something... she's said "Pah-ma me!" to her toys before), or when trying to get by them.
- Can count 1-10 without assistance in English and Spanish
- Can count 1-10 in French & German with very little assistance
- Can count 1-10 in Japanese with more assistance
- Will sing about 50-80% of the words of her favorite songs
- Is starting to sing using varying pitch (precursor of singing a tune).
- Will hum songs using enough correct pitch and/or rhythm that I can often identify what she is singing without her using words.
- Can finish the sentences of books after hearing them maybe 5 readings.
- Will "read" some of her favorite books to herself.
- Will take her toy tea set, go to the bathroom, climb up the steps and fill her teacups with water and drink it. Unfortunately, the steps are on the hot water side of the sink. We may need to re-think that.
- Is very good about telling us when she has pooped in her diaper (but still refuses to poop on the potty, so I'm still not pushing this. We'll see how things are looking after our camping vacation. She's very interested in those stickers that she can have when she starts pooping in the potty like a big girl).
- She's very good at peeing in the potty - either her little one, or the big one. She will pee on big potties in places other than home, too.
- Can use alternating feet when going up the stairs, but usually prefers just to step with the same side first each step.
- Take many of her shoes off herself.
- Has started putting together her car seat buckles herself.
- Put together increasingly complex sentences: "I like anudder one, please, momma!" "Thank oo making dinner, momma!"
- Knows the difference between "Right" and "Left" about 80% of the time. Daddy is working on this with her.
- Is very good with remembering the names of people she has recently met.
- Will wait in bed patiently in the morning or after nap (most of the time) until we come to get her. She almost never gets out of bed, and if she does, she stays right near it. She doesn't even play with the toys in the basket at the end of her bed.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Maia can and Maia does...
Maia can...
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