This child seems to have a drive to be unique. S/He does NOT want to share a birthday!
June Bug could have shared a birthday with my grandfather: 6/7/10 would have been Grandpa's 100th. Nope.
June Bug could have have the cool 6/8/10 birthday (even cooler if born at 02:04 on 06/08/10).
June Bug could have been born on Nana & Grandpa's 40th Anniversary: 6/13/10. Nope.
June Bug could be born on Nana Effie's 60th birthday. 6/14/10. Not looking like it.
This child, however, does seem to be into "the tease." On Saturday night, I was up with upper right quadrant abdominal pain, in the mid-to right side in both the back and front of my abdomen, combined with a little pervasive nausea/unsettled feeling in my stomach-of-iron. A little discussion and research leads me to believe that may have been a little gall bladder issue (apparently common in pregnancy, even if you've never had a problem before - and I haven't), which I will have to talk with my doc about later. There was some general uterine crampiness and signs of early labor... but no dice.
Lots more cramping on Sunday morning, along with the lingering crappy feeling from the night before. Nothing.
By the time Raymond & Effie arrived at dinner time to stay for the week, I was starting to feel better, and my appetite had returned. Nothing.
However, last night, I dreamt I was discussing the ongoing discomfort, and explaining to someone (I don't recall who) that those pains didn't really feel like labor. This, feeling, this one right now, THAT was more like labor. Wait a second, what? I woke up from that dream at 1:20 am, and realised yes, I was having real contractions - wrapping around from the back to the front, lower abdominal, rising and falling in intensity. Well, they're tolerable, I told myself. And they say not to wake the coach, and try and rest if you can. So rest I will. Bathroom trip, then I laid back down, and closed my eyes, and tried to count in my head how long the contractions were lasting, and see if they were coming in any sort of discernable pattern...
I woke up again at 3:40 am to mild crampiness and no more contractions. Sigh. I got up to use the bathroom. 2 more contractions. Laid back down. Woke up at 5:30 am. Nothing. Gotta pee. Back to bed, up at.. whoops! 6:40 am! Guess we forgot to turn on the alarm. Good thing we don't have to get Maia ready and drop her at daycare today (Nana and Grandpa have her all week!) That'll shave some time off the morning.
And so here I sit. At work. Loathe to leave my office because I do NOT want to hear the "Are you still here?" comments from 80 different co-workers. AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index) level test after lunch time, so I'll have the small solace (again, TEASE) of having another ultrasound where I can SEE the baby, but still can't hold him/her (just like we experienced on Maia's due date).
One of my co-workers passed away yesterday from a battle with a brain tumor (glioblastoma), and I'd like to go to the visitation and say goodbye before June Bug arrives. So perhaps June Bug was just trying to be thoughtful.
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