Well, here's a drawback to the flurry of activity, and lack of independence that comes with a c-section delivery: The first time everyone gets to see your new baby is in recovery. While in recovery, they are the only visitor allowed in there. You, meanwhile, can hardly move. This is not at all conducive to picture taking.
And so again, there is no picture of Parker's first bath (we missed Maia's first bath, too). There is no picture of the first time Parker met Daddy, Grandma, Papa, Nana, Grandpa. No pics of the people who welcomed him to the world on the day he was delivered. For this, I'm very sad.
Here are photos I do have:
Nana and Parker |
Aunt Kathleen and Parker |
Aunt Kathleen was watching Maia during surgery so that the grandparents could be there to support Ray and I.
On Saturday morning, Ray brought Nana, Grandpa and Maia to the hospital to visit me and meet Parker. Maia was mostly interested in seeing Momma (whom she missed very much!)
Maia meets Parker for the very first time. |
Parker gave Maia a present, so she would have something to do while spending a few hours at the hospital. |
Maia was VERY excited about it, and made sure to thank Parker for the present. |
Maia, Daddy and Parker. The Proud (and a little confused) big sister! |
Daddy and Parker taking their first nap together. |
Uncle Andrew holding Parker |
Emily holding Parker |
Adrian holding Parker (and very excited about a BOY cousin) |
Lydia holding Parker |
Parker on going home day. Quiet, alert and chubby cheeked today! |
Also, Ray's friends Jeremy and Ken came for a brief visit, bringing a basket of gender neutral baby clothes and a fantastic gift card to Target, along with a card with LOTS of well wishes! It was nice to see them, too!
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