Friday, July 13, 2012


Generally over the July 4th weekend, we go camping with my folks and my sister's family.  This year, as it turned out, Ray wasn't really able to take any more work days off. So we planned to have Ray come up for the weekend, work Monday and Tuesday, and back to help us pack up on Wednesday. 

I packed and I planned and I got everything ready... and Ray got sick. Fever, the works.  So I pulled on my big girl pants and decided to brave "single parent tent camping with two kids under four."  Sounds like an adventure!

And my adventure started out by Ray's SUV having an empty gas tank, and me realizing I'd never put gas in it before, and had no idea how to get the stupid thing open. Then after gassing up the car, Maia had to pee.  Gas Station stop = 35 minutes. Phew.

Half-way through our 3 hour drive, Maia has to pee again. It's only three hours kid!
So, we stop at McDonalds to use the facilities, and look! Ronald is hanging out on a bench. Maia and Parker are delighted!  So we stop for some pics. 
And after we're done, and I'm buckling Parker back in, I turn to find she's actually wandered back across the parking lot to give Ronald another hug. YIKES.  Atypical behavior for her, and scared the pants off of me!  (Will I make it? I can do this! We will go and have a good time!)

We continue the drive, and we're almost there!  Aaaaand Maia has to pee. And we're in the middle of a corn field.  She manages to hold it until the next 4 way stop with a small store. Three potty breaks in less than 3 hours. Phew. I think I can, I think I can....
We arrive, and my sister and dad help me put up the tent while my nieces and nephew help entertain my kids. At last... home away from home. Beds are set up. I hope children sleep in them.

Sleeping was a little rough. It's hot, it's light until 10:00 pm, and  I can't block out all the ambient noise and everything is new and interesting.   But eventually we settle down and get some sleep.

We wake MUCH earlier than our Camping Companions, so I figure out a way to make this all work.  We all go take a shower together in the morning, and then watch a movie on the laptop (thank goodness for electricity!)

 Naps were few and far between, however. It's MUCH to hot in the tent to spend much time in there at all, although Parker may have crashed once or twice.
Maia spent more of a nap-free weekend, although laying on Grandma and Papa's bed in the air conditioned motorhome and watching movies was okay. 

But it was hot. Oh, so hot. And it got hotter each day.  And hot and sleepless makes some people a little grumpy. 
Me. I was grumpy!  
But a little sun and water does a body good, and is great for nap promotion. It worked so well that our driver here was asleep at the wheel.
Maia and Parker both had a great time driving Papa's boat.  Parker was very interested in all the parts, even controlling the speed.  We also swim off the back of the boat in deep water in this lake (which was a gloriously warm 78-82º).  Both the kids did great. Parker grinned the whole time, and got a face-full of water a few times, which fortunately didn't phase him much. He was so excited to be swimming that he was pushing away from letting me hold him... he just wanted to do it on his own.
I've also come to relax a bit about what the kids eat during these times, and in general.  So there were a few nutella sandwiches for lunch.
And Emily did some beautiful braids in Maia's hair.
And Parker got a little dirty.

And on the way home?
Sleeping children, and not one potty break.

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