He can count to 14 from time to time - to 10 often.
He throws out surprisingly complex sentences like handing me a piece of paper and saying
"I no want dis -eey more!" (I don't want this anymore). He's got a surprisingly good grasp of emotional words and tenses. "I gwumpy wite now! I don wike dat!" and moments later "I all better! I happy!" He's doing really well with pronouns, he refers to himself as "I" and others as "you" or "him" or "her." He can verbalize when things belong to others: "Dat Maia's twactor?"
He correctly recognizes all sorts of trucks, and calls them out in the car (wook mama! A semi twuuuuuck!!)

He knows the names of the colors, but not how they apply to things. Most things are green (or, rather gween).
He likes to sleep with his Lightning McQueen matchbox type car, and at least two pacis (Still. Sigh.) And he can tell you if he has 1, 2 or 3 pacis. He will switch one out of his mouth for another and announce he wants "a new one." He rolls "MaKween" up and down his pillow.
He's also really funny. He loves to make noise and sounds and laugh. He makes us laugh all the time. He thinks it is VERY funny when he toots, and if he does, he will try again (squinched up face and all!) and laugh!
He is great at sitting down and playing with cars for a while. He really likes to lay down on the floor and watch them roll. He also really loves to play with Maia, and his friends Ezra and Nicholas at school.
And lest we forget: His stats!
Parker is 35" tall (66%), 29.9 lbs (68%), and continues to have a big ol' noggin full of brains.
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