We missed the annual visit to Santa this year (although he did visit them at school). So I'd hoped to make it to the Easter Bunny, to make sure we could keep the streak alive. So far, both of my kids have avoided the gripping fear of large-headed Holiday Celebrities.
On this particular weekend, we had a busy day planned. Ray was home recovering from a procedure, so the kids and I went to Grandma and Papa's house to play (pics from that in another post). We'd come home to nap, and when they woke, we had a snack and loaded up in the car. They were in great moods, and it was the day before Easter, so I figured here is was: My shining chance. And Momma Knows.
We pulled up to the nearest door at the mall. Loaded Parker into the stroller. Maia helped me push (win for big sister, fun ride for little brother). We get in line... about 10 kids long. Maia's got gum, Parker's working on a tic tac or two. Move up a spot, Parker and Maia switch: Maia in the stroller, Parker exploring. We watch some kids contentedly sit with the bunny. We distract for the kids who don't. Right before us, there is a 3-4 year old who has an absolute MELT DOWN, laying on the floor, screaming and kicking. The poor mother keeps trying to get that elusive pic, but it is not to be.
My kids are getting antsy, but we're singing songs and making up silly rhymes. Finally. Our turn. They both walk up to The Bunny. Parker is fascinated. Maia says a shy little hi. They're happy to talk to him (he doesn't say anything back. Bunnies don't talk, silly!) and Maia, big girl that she is, decides she will sit NEXT to him, but not on his lap.
It's always a challenge to get them LOOKING at the camera, and Parker wasn't interested in giving up his paci, but they really did just fine! So here it is:
We chose our print, paid, got the pics and headed right back out to the car. No drama. No muss. No fuss. Yay for my kids! I was pleased with myself for orchestrating it right. I'm not always great with that.
And back to Grandma and Papa's we went!
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