Thursday, December 22, 2011

Parker at 18 months

A year and-a-half old. This is going too fast!
Parker's First Shiner.
On the 21st, we went to see the pediatrician for his well child visit.  The stats:
26.7 pounds - 58th percentile.
31.5 inches - 26th percentile
It was difficult to contain him in the doctor's office, so we played a little game to keep him from opening the doors.  I stopped him in his tracks by whispering: "Ready? Set! Gooooo!" and he would run his dimpled legs from one side of the room to the other. He'd turn around and look at me expectantly.  We kept this going for quite some time, until the nurse accidentally let him out, and then we both were chasing him down the hall way. Those short little legs are FAST!

We also have been assured by both the ENT and the pediatrician that his tubes are in, open and clear.  We are hopeful that they will stay in through the winter, and that he will have outgrown the problem by the time they do fall out.

He is trending toward the shorter, stockier side at the moment. We see that a lot in his clothes, as his pants are always too long (although often his shirts are a little short). I suspect we are due for a growth spurt soon, however. He is still wearing his 18 month clothing, although it is getting small. He has been wearing size 4 shoes since summer.  He looks much more toddler than baby.

He is growing in independence. He loves to open the fridge and see what he can find.  He's figured out how to open the bathroom door. His big sister has taught him how to slide down the stairs on his tummy. He loves to look at books. Books, books, books.  He'll look by himself, and of course he'll bring a book to you, yelling "Muk! Muk! Muk!"  He will put things away, including busing his dishes, with some guidance.

But my favorite part? The language explosion!  He will repeat (or try to repeat) most things you ask him. He's counting 1, 2, 3 and 3, 2, 1.  He's starting to put two and three word phrases together: "Mama's schooos" "Mooh, peese, muk?" (More please milk), "Daddy hoooome?"  
heh-Woah! = hello
Cocky? = cookie
Ca-kuh = cracker
See-yoh = cereal
Sah-sehjjj = sausage (one of his favorite foods)
Pah-tah = Pasta (a fave food)
Muk = Milk, Drink, Book. This one is very confusing!
Wasch = wash hands
Buuhsh Teesssh = brush teeth
Gumma = Grandma, gum
Papa = Papa, Grandpa.
Nana = banana (another fave food)
Eh-moh! = Elmo (definitely a favorite character)
D-d-doh-wa = Dora
Eye Treeeem! = ice cream
Yaya = Maia - although with some prompting, he can and will put an M on there, and get it right.
Pesch-ee = paci
Wisch-ee = fishy
Butt-bahl! = Football (or baseball)
Pah-tuh = Parker! He will pat his belly or point to himself in a mirror.  He knows what belongs to him.
Hope = help (I love this one!)

Animals and the sounds they make:
Muh-ey (Monkey):  ah ahh!  - 
Ow-ooo (Owl): hoo hoo!
Saur (Dinosaur): wraaaaooooh!
Hoh-see (Horse)
Dut (Duck): Qwaa qwaa

He can identify his:
eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, head, hair, belly, legs, hands, feet, toes.

Really, he knows most of the words for thing that are important to him in his environment.  
Here's an example of how Parker is trying to join in songs... Watch him study and try to pick it up! One week after he this video had been taken, there was an improvement in this behavior.  He's also now responding to prompts in preschool television shows when he watches with Maia on weekend mornings, which I think is hysterical.

(and please pardon my squeaky voice.  I was still working through the last of that awful cold)

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