Christmas Eve (day) at our house again this year. Since it was on a weekend and some of us were hoping to get to the candle light service at night, we started earlier in the day.
Maia wore her sparkly dress from Grandma. Lydia has one just like it in purple, so that makes it extra cool in Maia's eyes.
And this was about as good as it got for a pic of them together.
We had a little brunch, then cleaned up before opening presents.
Lydia and Parker |
One of Maia's first gifts was a dress up outfit. For this, she was willing to ditch her favorite dress. The Christmas tights, however, stayed.
Parker wasn't as excited about opening presents as Maia (who tried to help just about everyone open theirs). He was just a bit bleh and was content to hang out on daddy's lap.
Parker was, however, quite excited to get this soft doll from Aunt Kathleen. Someone said something about having a little buddy... and so that's what he calls it. "Buh ddddee" isn't quite as loved as "Paschi" but he's probably a close second! He's loving his little buddy!
Papa and Grandma got both of them this balance bike (I'm so excited. I think they'll LOVE it), and Maia spent quite a bit of time riding it in the kitchen.
It's too big for Parker right now, but he desperately wanted a turn.
After gifting, we had an early dinner: Prime Rib,
hot-oil fondue (aka, fon-don't in Ray's world), sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, "Papa's potatoes" - more food than we needed!
And then some very tired children went to bed to await the arrival of Santa.