Thursday, February 10, 2011

Potty Training 1.0

Maia's daycare teachers have been assuring me that they think Maia has all the skills she needs to get over the hurdle, she just has to want to do it.  She needs to make up her mind that she will do it, and she'll get it pretty quickly.  They've assured me that they're ready to take the plunge when we are:
Just send her with a pile of underwear and some spare pants and we'll power through!

We had such a great day during Snowmaggedon, I asked Maia if she thought she wanted to wear undies to school.  She said yes, so we prepared accordingly.

Day One (Thursday):
She peed in her pants within minutes of getting to daycare. I think she forgot she was wearing them.  She did pretty well the rest of the day. One more change, just because she couldn't get her pants down fast enough.  She can get her pants off and on (slowly) without help if she tries. Diaper for nap time: two changes there.
Evening was pretty good.

Day Two (Friday):
Getting into car seat to go to school: I hafta go poootteee!!  Made me a bit late for work. Sigh.
A little more struggle today.  A couple accidents related to distraction. And in one case, she actually threw her undies in the toilet after she went. Not sure what that was about.   Lots of time sitting in the bathroom together, reading, in the evening.

Day Three (Saturday):
Pretty good day. Eager to wear undies. One accident while distracted. All poops on the potty. Diaper pretty dry after her nap and 1/2 an hour of play time.

Day Four (Sunday):
She starts out NOT wanting to wear undies in the morning, but eventually (after a little reverse psychology) decides she's really excided about them.  No pee accidents, but one poop accident where she's yelling that she needs to poop, but can't really stop herself to run to the potty.   Again, she is able to stay dry for hours.

Day Five and Six:
Mornings at daycare are pretty good, but she usually has an accident or two in the afternoon.  All-in-all, pretty good.  Most of her accidents have to do with her being distracted or forgetting to take her undies off. 

Day Seven (Wednesday):
I am so excited, but she seems unimpressed.

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