Height: 26.5 (50%)
Clothes: 6 mos (onesies only), 6-9 mos, some 9 mos
Shoes: size 1
Teeth: 2 (bottom middle) Hair: getting longer. All his baby hair is gone and has been replaced by new growth, although he still has a little bald spot on the back of his head, which is to be expected. His eyelashes are beautiful, but hard to see because of his haircolor. Interestingly, as big as he seems, and as high in the percentages as he had been ranging through 4 months... he seems to be settling in. He's just about doubled in size from birth. I kept looking at that scale thinking Are you sure that's right? He's only gained 11 oz. in 2 months? I would have sworn he's closer to 19 lbs. by now. He's a solid boy. Currently, Parker:
- tolerates tummy time much better than he did a month ago.
- skootches himself backwards and around in circles, and can turn himself sideways to get something he wants.
- will get his legs underneath his bum if he gets frustrated enough.
- is developing a great and easy sense of humor. It is not difficult to get him to smile and/or laugh. He loves to be tickled!
- seems to prefer putting his paci in his mouth upside down!
- great spatial awareness. He's very adept at getting his paci in his mouth, passing his toys from one hand to another, etc.
Daycare continues to tell me he is a joy. That they'd gladly have a room full of him, he's generally so content; smiley and chatty. He's got a fairly predictable schedule, he sleeps well. Biggest challenge he usually gives them is his weekly diaper blowout.
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