January 2010
- Halfway through pregnancy with "June Bug"
- Maia is learning to identify her colors, and recites her ABCs with a little help
February 2010
- Maia is a year-and-a-half old (18 months)
- Her vocabulary is expanding rapidly
- "June bug" is the size of a banana
March 2010
- Maia's getting more curious about the baby in my belly
- Beginning of the third trimester
April 2010
- Tara, Dave, Aaron and Rachael come out for a visit
May 2010
- Maia moves to her toddler bed
- Maia becomes more interested in dolls and playing mommy.
June 2010
- Maia gets her water table, which becomes a daily summer fave.
- Raymond and Effie come for a visit.
- and.... ummm... oh yeah!
Not in the way we'd hoped, but everyone is safe and healthy, and we're more than satisfied with that. All the grandparents get to meet him when he is less than an hour old.
- We are now a Family of Four.
- Recovery from surgery was not on my wish list, but I heal well.
- Tara comes for a weekend visit.
July 2010
- Maia adjusts to sharing the spotlight and being a big sister.
- We go to Interlochen (but don't camp) for a long weekend.
- We camp at Massena for a week (but don't stay in a tent, thank goodness!)
August 2010
- Maia turns TWO!
- We visit the Township Park, the Zoo, The FM Gardens, and spend a lot of time in the back yard.
September 2010
- We visit the family and friends in Clifton Park.
- I return to work full time (boo!) and get a new boss, who starts 3 days before I return.
October 2010
- Ray and I celebrate our 10th anniversary.
- Parker is rolling over.
November 2010
- Parker gets chatty, starts supported sitting and gets his first tooth.
- Parker's First Thanksgiving
(and a previously unavailable pic that my sister took)
December 2010
- Parker gets his second tooth, first solid food and turns SIX MONTHS old!
- Parker's first Christmas, and Maia's THIRD.
- We refinance our house for a better rate (yay!) and find out how upside down we are in it (boo!)
- We buy a new car!
Nooooo... not THAT one! THIS one! Ray is very excited.
All in all, a completely amazing, satisfying, wonderful year!
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