Maia has been very very excited about the idea of seeing Santa, ever since he started appearing on TV after Thanksgiving. I'm not sure
why Santa is so exciting to her. I'm not sure she would remember much outside of the little things she's been taught. Like:
What does Santa say? "Ho! Ho! Hooooooo!"
But excited she was, so we went to the mall to see him on a blustery, sloppy winter day. Ray stood in line at the post office to buy Holiday Stamps as we made our way down to the center of the mall. We specifically chose the quieter, lamer mall so wait times wouldn't be as bad. And we scored: 1 person in line ahead of us.
Maia was her typical self. Happy to meet someone new. Fearless of strangers. She talked his ear off... in fact, of the six photos taken, this was one of two in which she wasn't turned toward Santa, talking to him. And, as usual, you can't get Maia to smile
and look at a camera. One or the other, my friends... one or the other.
Parker was content, but not smiley, which
was unusual. But the photo-folks were just thrilled that
both kids were calm and content and did actually look at the camera at the same time.

Oh, and Maia's Christmas Wish?
Presents aaaand cake! Apparently the line between Christmas and Birthday is still a little blurry in Maia's head.
The next Monday at school, the kids went to see Santa at the Retirement Village. I'm told she was very funny. Fearless, again.
Hi! she said to Santa.
My name is Maia!
"I'm Santa", said he.
"I like your boots!"
This time Maia was more specific. She wanted
dollies aaaaand stuffed animals aaaaand wild animals! She was a little upset when Santa wasn't immediately forthcoming with those items.
The director did apparently come to get Parker for this visit to Santa as well, and I'm told there are pictures, but I haven't seen them.