All summer I'd hoped to get to the Farmer's Market. It didn't happen. However, since Ray was at his annual golf outing with his co-workers, Maia, Parker and I had a Saturday morning to ourselves. It was a bit cool (in the upper 50s, when it had been in the 80s within the past 7 days!), so Maia insisted on wearing a hat. After all, Parker was wearing one.

At the market, we walked the whole thing before we decided what to buy and from which vendors. Maia got lots of smiles and hellos and good mornings. Apparently people thought her hat was cute. Then, after we got our apples, and she was gnawing away at a Mutsu the size of her face, we got lots of giggles and laughs. Even though I've been out in public with my kids many times, I was surprised at how much attention we got today.


At one end of the market was a street musician playing a violin. We stopped to listen to him for a while, and he played a few children's tunes for her. She asked lots of questions:
Whass he doing? What issat? Later, at the other end of the market, there was a banjo player who was also extremely interesting to Maia.

After we got home, Maia and I made lunch together: Hotdogs in Crescent rolls. I showed Maia how to roll the first one, and she was
delighted. She giggled as she rolled up the rest of them while she sat on my lap.

She did very well and was very excited about seeing them baked.
Once they were baked, however... she had no interest in eating them. She was too sleepy.

After nap-time was some play time. She
loves to "help" Parker play.

Parker isn't so sure he needs help. But a little loving isn't so bad.
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