We've got a whole bunch this time! With the coming of spring, the weather has been nicer, and apparently lending itself to more outdoor time at daycare. And so they were able to find, apparently, some remnants of autumn.
A close up of what Maia found. They said she had a great time with this project.
More dot painting (which she will now narrate: dot, dot, dot, dot)
A little finger painting, which apparently has a title:
"Painting with Flowers"
I really like this one. Here's a close up.
Some brush painting
More dot painting
Her St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun.
And a St. Patrick's Day Clover, with green glitter.
A basket of flowers.
An Easter bunny... colored excitedly with markers.
Another Easter Bunny, with cotton balls.
And what appears to be a "stained glass window" sort of project. Pieces of colored tissue paper between sheets of clear contact paper.
I love this one too! It's a caterpillar made of circles strung on a pipe cleaner. There's your fine-motor skill art project for a toddler! They said she did very well with this one too.
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