So... I performed Monteverdi's Vespers for the Blessed Virgin which was composed in 1610... so this year (July) is it's 400th anniversary. As a departure from the normal GR Symphony Chorus arrangement, we didn't perform this in DeVos Hall, but in St. Andrew's Cathedral. Also unusual with this performance is that we were split into a full chorus and a smaller, select "chamber" chorus. Kath and I were both in the chamber chorus, which meant a lot more singing and time devoted to rehearsals. It was, however, a great experience, and we got a nice review.
Looking for me? I'm in the middle part of the chorus, second row, 3rd from the left. Right next my sister (Pearl keeps placing us this way, and that's fine by both of us!) Ah forget it... we're too small. I tried to zoom in, but you really can't see any detail!
And so a quiet, laid back Sunday to recover. We dropped off the video of Maia's First Year at my folks' house, and then headed out to Cracker Barrel for some breakfast.

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