Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Pretty... funny... Pretty Funny!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Maia this morning...
I have to add another story from this evening. After a repeat of the above "trying to figure out the whole baby thing" (complete with Maia pulling up my shirt and trying to play peek-a-boo with the baby she's trying desperately to find)... she pulled up her own shirt, stuck out her tummy and rubbed it, saying "Maia bee-bee?"
"No, Maia... you don't have a baby in your belly. Just momma." Can I tell you how hard it was not to laugh watching her?
Then later, during dinner, she turns to me and asks "Daddy bee-bee?"
"Nope. Daddy doesn't have a baby in his belly either. Just momma."
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Busy Week
Looking for me? I'm in the middle part of the chorus, second row, 3rd from the left. Right next my sister (Pearl keeps placing us this way, and that's fine by both of us!) Ah forget it... we're too small. I tried to zoom in, but you really can't see any detail!
And so a quiet, laid back Sunday to recover. We dropped off the video of Maia's First Year at my folks' house, and then headed out to Cracker Barrel for some breakfast.

Friday, March 19, 2010
Little Funnies
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Third Trimester is looming
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tutus, Letters and Shapes

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Time Flies...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sick. And more sick.
Friday, March 5, 2010
This week in review.
Well, it's been an interesting week. They've been struggling at daycare with Maia during nap time. She'd only been napping for maybe an hour, hour-and-a-half. They've tried moving her to different parts of the room, and she might do great for a day, but poorly the next. The trick, of course, is that once she's up, she really doesn't care to go back down. I told them she's been that way since she was a newborn, which the infant room teacher, Miss Kathy, had also told them.
So they'd decided to try to put her down a little later in hopes that might help. She always wakes up in a great mood (as she does here too, even after a 5 minute nap).
How did that go? Well, the first night was fine. The second, she was pretty crabby (lots of "No!"s) and went to bed promptly at 7. Then we had a night where she was just on a roll... lots of fun playing, lots of giggles...
Then at about 2:30 a.m., she woke up crying. Ray went upstairs to check on her. He picked her up and settled her down, and they fell asleep together in the living room. She woke him up a while later coughing, and suddenly covered them both with vomit. He cleaned them both up, and brought her downstairs so we could try to rest between her coughing/vomit spasms. As she crawled in bed and snuggled up to me, she whispered repeatedly "I watch Elmo?" "No, honey, it's the middle of the night, you need to sleep." "Watch Elmo..."
She's not great at settling down for sleeping with us generally... she thinks our bed is great fun to jump on and is a great obstacle course for climbing. But she managed to fall asleep for a while, before waking again crying for "momma" and we held the bucket for her. Poor confused little thing. And then we started the process over.
In the morning, Ray went to work, and Maia and I cuddled on the couch and actually DID watch Elmo (which was about the only way I could keep her distracted from her million-and-one pitiful requests for "Waa-tah?" that I couldn't oblige). When it was finally time to get her started on a tablespoon of fluid, she actually perked up quite a bit, and I thought maybe she was past the worst of it. And I guess she was, but she took 2 LONG naps, and didn't really ask for food until the late afternoon. She spent a lot of time cuddling, which was nice for me, although I'd prefer she not be sick! A low-grade fever started in the afternoon, so unfortunately we couldn't send her to daycare on Friday, even though it was clear the bug was working its way down her GI tract. She kept down more Sprite and some Cheerios and went to bed with no fuss.
My PTO is at a premium (anything I use now means I won't get those hours paid for my maternity leave), and Ray had a full day scheduled at work... so we had some tough decisions to make. So he took the morning off today while I went in to work, and we switched at 12:30. Maia did well with getting started with regular juice, then water and regular food. So we decided we all needed to get out of the house for a while, and went to the Mall for dinner, a little play time and a some walking around. While we were walking, I drooled over the most adorable little Easter dress at Gymboree (where I NEVER shop in the front of the store: cha-ching! and only rarely in the back clearance section). Ray apparently loved the dress too, and bought it was while I was perusing the clearance racks. I would never have paid that much for a dress she'll probably wear once or twice, but it is cute. Can't wait to see her in it!
Funny story from earlier this week. At daycare, Pete decided to dump his bowl of food on the floor. The rule is that the child who makes the mess has to help clean it up. Maia, however, immediately started cleaning "I keen it?" When Nikki told her, no, Pete needed to clean up his mess, she got really mad because she LOVES to clean!