Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
18 Month Exam
- Does your child speak at least 6 words? a second? yes!
- Does your child want to help around the house? I keen it?
- Can your child point to at least 1 body part? I'd say about 20.
- Does your child show interest in a doll or stuffed animal by hugging it or pretend feeding it? In addition to routinely hugging and kissing her toys, she actually played "This little piggy" with one of her dolls today, excitedly tickling the baby's tummy at the end. Tried to get it on video, but no luck.
- Does your child know the names of his favorite books? Hopopop!! (Hop On Pop) Ham-Sam? (Green Eggs and Ham)
- Is your child spontaneously affectionate? My favorite... when she's said, or has just fallen or bumped her head, she will walk over to us and ask "Hug?" with her little lip sticking out.
And from the Autism screening...
- Does your child enjoy being swung, bounced on your knee, etc.? jump, jump, jump!
- Does your child ever bring objects over to you to show you something? Every book we own!
- Does your child look at your face to check your reaction when faced with something unfamiliar? Ah, well, see below.
At the exam, the nurse had left and Maia was happily running around the room in just her diaper (yippee!!) and pointing at the animals on the wall, talking up a storm. As soon as the doc walked into the office, Maia stopped playing and talking, frowned at her, ran over to me and climbed up into my lab to give me a huge hug around the neck. Well, says the doc, I guess she's passed her autism screening with flying colors! Maia has her face pressed up against mine until I turn her around and encourage her to say "hi" to Dr O. The doc and I discuss her stats, and soon Maia has warmed up and is talking to her, reaching for the stethoscope. She always does so well during her exams. Sits pretty still, and was great about saying "Ahh."
Dr O. and I talk a little about what to expect over the next few months with potty training, eating habits and behaviors. She advises me that "no" will probably make a pretty strong showing around 24 months, indicating she will go through a phase of saying "no" to pretty much everything, even if she wants it. Ah yes, we're actually seeing this now. A LOT. We talk about her sensitive skin (diaper rashes are too common, and have been since she's been on solid foods. They are, however, mostly avoidable if we keep a good diaper cream on her all the time - which often isn't necessary for other kids her age). The doctor comments on Maia being quite a character as of course, now that she was comfortable, she started talking non-stop and was "reading" one of her books by herself by narrating what the baby in the picture was doing "dink mii-oook" (drink milk).
So back at 24 months. Whew! Boy, is time flying. I do tell the doc that I'm sure we'll be seeing her in June for our newborn checks. Then today I was reading a little pregnancy status update which advised me only 2 more weeks and I'll be in my third trimester. Holy cow!! I don't even have my work-plan figured out yet (details on covering my leave, how to arrange my time when I return: I've got plans A, B and C but haven't presented them to HR yet - although my boss is supportive, my plan may ultimately need to go to the CEO. Sigh.)
I did start to put together baby registries, mostly so we can get the Babies R Us 20% discount on everything off the registry after the baby's due date to stock up on basic supplies. We really can't think of much we need (although there is a lack of baby boy clothes in the house, should we need them - but onesies and baby-legs should get us through most of the summer, really.)
Friday, February 26, 2010
More Recent Vids
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Resourceful Girl!
"It's coming" is one of those things we say when she is very hungry and I am working on getting her food ready. We also recently switched over from using the fan to the sound machine she got for Christmas for white noise at bedtime. That noise machine makes a rain sound and she loves that.
You'll also hear her going through the middle part of the alphabet after identifying some of the letters on the front of her book before moving on to play with her "pea-tot!" (teapot).
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Getting into Stuff
Love This!
It was probably clear to you that your child was a miracle right from the first ultrasound. And since then your little one has been growing, learning, and changing at an astonishing rate. But we'll bet there are still a few things even you don't know about your child's dazzling developmental feats. Read on for a collection of fascinating child development facts sure to make you say "Wow!"
You scared me, Ma! Your baby will startle in utero when she hears a loud or sudden noise. This ability appears around 23 weeks, as any pregnant woman in her second or third trimester can attest; if she sneezes, the baby jumps.
But if the same noise is repeated frequently, your baby will get used to it and stop responding. No need to worry — that's a sign that the brain is developing normally, says Lise Eliot, an associate professor of neuroscience at Chicago Medical School and author of What's Going On In There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life.
Scent from beyond. Starting around 28 weeks, your baby can smell in the womb the same things that you're smelling outside. Some of the evidence about fetuses' sense of smell comes from preemies: In one study, peppermint extract was held under the noses of pre-term babies. Those younger than 28 weeks didn't respond, while the older ones reacted by sucking, grimacing, or moving away.
Your baby's sense of smell is actually enhanced by the amniotic fluid she's floating in, says Eliot, because we're better able to smell things after the odor molecules join with a liquid (like nasal mucus). During the third trimester, the placenta also lets odor molecules pass through it more easily. So when you order that chicken vindaloo in your ninth month, your baby is taking in the aroma right along with you.
Leaps and bounds. Your baby is growing, but by how much? After some initial weight loss, newborns typically add one ounce a day for the first three months, then two-thirds of an ounce daily until age 1, says Robert Needlman, former associate professor of pediatrics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and vice president of developmental and behavioral pediatrics for the Dr. Spock Company. An average baby doubles his birth weight by 4 months and triples it by his first birthday. He also adds 1 to 1.5 inches every month in height.
If you were 8 pounds and 20 inches at birth and continued growing at the same rate, by age 20 you'd be about 25 feet tall and weigh nearly 315 pounds.
Young salts. Though your baby can detect sweet, bitter, and sour tastes right from birth, she can't taste salt until she's 4 months old. This is when sodium-sensitive receptor proteins begin to emerge in the taste buds. The ability to taste salt may be related to the development of the kidneys, says neuroscientist Eliot, which start to use sodium when your baby is about 4 months old. This appears to be hardwired in the child development process and totally unrelated to the volume of Cheetos you consumed while pregnant.
Eyes just for you. At birth, your baby's eyes are already 75 percent of adult size but his vision is a blurry 20/2400, which means he can only clearly discern objects about a foot away — precisely the distance to your face during cuddling or feeding.
By 6 months, your baby's vision should improve to 20/20. That's why providing your baby with lots of visual stimuli is important and helps the eye-brain connections develop correctly, says Scott Jens, an optometrist in Wisconsin and chair of the American Optometric Association's InfantSEE program.
Toddlers: Soaking it all up
One word every two waking hours? I'm absolutely sure that's true for Maia. She learns them, repeats them and incorporates them into her daily usage! We have seen a vocab explosion over the last 2 months.
Look, Ma, two hands. Most 1-year-olds are ambidextrous, or use both hands equally. Your toddler will likely start showing a preference for his right or left hand by age 2 or 3 — and in about 90 percent of kids, it'll be the right. Why so many righties? No one really knows for sure, says neuroscientist Eliot. Genetics plays a role (southpaw parents are more likely to have kids who are also lefties), as do social norms — there are more lefties in the United States than in cultures where left-handedness is deemed unacceptable.
Also currently true for Maia. She has a chance at being lefty... my sister is lefty and my father's mother was ambidexterous. I believe she wrote with her right hand, but preferred to do everything else lefty. There is probably a good chance that she was really lefty by nature, but was forced to learn to write right-handed.
There's also a theory that says your toddler is more likely to start preferring his right hand because three-quarters of fetuses spend the last weeks of gestation with their right arm facing out, allowing it to move more freely. Another holds that it's because newborns are more likely to turn their heads to the right than to the left (though the reasons for this are unclear). Still others say it's simply a learned behavior — you hand things to your child with your right hand, and he follows suit.
Brain gain. Though your toddler's basic brain function was developed at birth, her cerebral cortex — the part of the brain that experiences thought, stores memories, and controls voluntary muscle movement — only kicks into gear after experiencing the world outside the womb.
Between ages 1 and 2 the cerebral cortex adds more than 2 million new synapses — the connections between brain cells — every second, according to Zero to Three, a nonprofit educational group. By age 2, your toddler will have more than 100 trillion synapses — the most she'll ever have in her life, and part of the reason why she has such an incredible capacity to learn.
This period of "synaptic exuberance" can last until age 8, but it's also accompanied by the constant pruning of unused synapses. By the time your child reaches adulthood, more than 50 percent of those neural pathways will be gone.
Preschoolers: Becoming aware
When your preschooler announces, "Mine!" while clinging to his truck in a playgroup, this isn't so much a selfish refusal to share as it is a cognitive achievement. He's now able to see himself as an individual and, as such, capable of ownership. His declaration of "mine" is his way of saying he understands that you — and the other children — are separate from him.
Kids really do forget. Your child probably won't remember her best friends from preschool — or much else before the age of 3 — due to what psychologists call infantile amnesia. Many people assume the reason we can't remember things from our youngest years is that even though the memories are in there, we just can't access them. But what's more likely, says neuroscientist Eliot, is that "early experiences never make it into the long-term memory banks because the brain's recording machinery isn't yet functional."
While these things may not be in the "long-term" memory banks, her capacity to remember things that happened days or weeks ago does continue to surprise me. We'll be settling down to bed and doing our "bedtime sweet talk" and she'll start rambling on about "Neeooo... issssseeping... SHHHHH" - which is something we observed two weeks ago: One of the babies in the infant room at daycare (Neil) was sleeping in the crib when she went in to visit the babies, and she was asked to be quiet.
But that doesn't mean the things your child experiences before age 3 don't have a profound effect on her development — they do. It's just that she probably won't be able to recall them later.
On a different wavelength. Preschoolers simply don't think the way adults do — they aren't yet capable of logical thinking. Instead they think very literally, which means they can't grasp abstract concepts, and egocentrically, meaning they can't imagine anyone's perspective but their own, says Wendy Ludlow, a licensed clinical social worker and child and family therapist who runs Therapy With a Twist.
"Four- to 6-year-olds really believe that you can keep monsters out of their room if you put up a sign on their door stating: 'No Monsters Allowed!'" says Ludlow. And if you're sad, your preschooler might give you his teddy bear because that's what would comfort him and therefore — he reasons egocentrically — that must also be the thing you need. He simply can't understand you might prefer a spa day.
Big kids: Turning a corner
Moral fiber. Psychological changes in a grade-schooler's brain let your child begin to draw moral distinctions based on internal judgment, say Charles E. Schaefer, professor of psychology at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and education and parenting writer Theresa Foy DiGeronimo, authors of Ages and Stages: A Parent's Guide to Normal Childhood Development.
Before this age, your child obeyed the rules (well, most of the time, anyway) because she feared getting in trouble; now her own conscience is growing and she can see the difference between right and wrong, consider another's viewpoint, and feel sympathy and concern for others. She's able to feel guilty about breaking the rules — even when she doesn't get caught.
Enter the inner monologue. At around age 8, your child starts to internalize his imaginary play, say Schaefer and DiGeronimo. So instead of making his rabbits (or pirates, stuffed animals, or cars) talk to each other, it's his internal voice that replays events, comments on new experiences, or practices dialog with friends and family. You may find this frustrating because it's hard to keep the little daydreamer focused, but this behavior is just as normal (and beneficial) as the public play that preceded it.
Mastering memory. Your child is getting a feel for how to handle her own memory, says Jane M. Healy, educational psychologist and author of Your Child's Growing Mind. Until now your child has been able to remember things, but not to use strategies to make her memory work for her. By about age 6, however, she'll start rehearsing material so she can remember it, and by age 7 she's able to group things into patterns and organize information so she can better recall it later.
Dan Tynan writes about parenting and technology for a wide range of publications; you can find his blog at Christina Wood is a magazine writer and author of Every Woman's Guide to Technology . She blogs at
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Ponies and Play-Dough
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Week(s) in Review
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My Little Banana
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Playing in the Snow with Papa
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Pics from Daycare

Landon, Claire and Maia
Her daily sheet told me that Maia kept looking at the teacher, as if to say... can I really put this in my mouth? So often, that answer is no...
She was delighted!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sick Pumpkin!
Here, we're on our way to say goodnight to daddy, but she's rather attached to her book. Keeping our fingers crossed for a good night's sleep, and a better day tomorrow!