Maia will do hundreds of little art projects over the next few years, and, as much as I love them, I know we can't save them all. So. I'm going to do it digitally as often as I can.
This is one of my favorites. This mural (it's about 3 feet long and 1 1/2 feet tall) was painted by three of the "older" kids in the infant room: Nick, Celia and Maia. Maia was the youngest of the three by several months - being about 8 or 9 months old when she did this.Maia got to go first. They stripped her down to her diaper, gave her a bowl of orange paint, and let her explore. She was COVERED. I did get some copies of pics they took of her - but they're printed on plain paper, so I'm not sure they will stand the test of time.
So, how is it that I got to be the proud owner of this work of art? The other two kids moved on to the toddler (T1) room several months before her. Once she was the only one left in the room that had participated in this, they offered it to me. It hung on the wall in the guest bedroom for a few weeks, but kept falling down.
Two weeks ago at daycare, the theme was the ocean. So she came home with lots of little sea creatures.
A turtle, made out of contruction paper and a styrofoam bowl.
And lots and lots of paper fish, and two crabs. I believe these were made with bingo dot pens.
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