Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Maia at 12 Months
"Ai!" my name is Maia. I am one year old.
My Likes:
Any kind, all I can get! Don't feed me fruit first, though... or I won't eat anything else! My absolute favorite foods are watermelon and pasta. People seem surprised that I like blueberries and pineapple.
Usually bending my knees and waiving my arms (sometimes I alternate them, raising one then the other over my head) and grinning a lot!
Reading books.
I will grab a book, turn myself around and back up to you so you can pick me up and read to me.
I love them! I like to carry them around. Sometimes I put them in my mouth, and my mom says "Achy! Not in the mouth!" She says that so often, that I sometimes pick up her shoes and say "Ah-tee!"
I talk ALL the time, even if you can't understand me. I have LOTs to say, and people tell my parents that I'm very vocal for my age. I don't know if that's true... but there are a lot of words out there that I need to learn!
Pointing to facial features.
Especially eyes. I'm able to identify eyes and noses easily on either you or me! I'm getting better at finding mouths.
Climbing up and down the stairs.
My mom or dad always go with me, but I'm getting pretty fast. Sometimes, though, I like to stop midway and look around.
Taking baths, washing my hands, splashing. I like running water especially. I love to watch water trickle over my fingers
Exploring and Being "On-the-Move"
I gotta keep moving. I'm thinking about climbing.
Even strollers get a little boring for me. Let me show you what I do instead:
By the way... my mom isn't pushing the stroller (just steering it, and taking the video on her phone). I'm pushing it. Uphill. For about 1/2 a mile. I slept really well after this.
My Dislikes:
Sitting Still
That includes if the book is too long. I've got a limit. Put me down now.
Diaper Changes
You have about 5 seconds to get this diaper changed, or I'm going to yell at you, flip over and try to crawl away... or both! However, if my diaper is stinky, I might tell you "ah-tee!" after you open it.
Having my nose wiped
...although sometimes I've been known to blow it (and effectively) when my parents put the tissue on it.
Words I Can Say (and what they sound like):
Uh oh! (ah-oh!)
Hi! (ai!)
All done (ah-dah!)
Down (dah)
Up (upupup!)
Out (aht!)
Pretty (pihdee)
Light (daaheee!)
Yucky/Achy (ah-tee!)
Please (pees?)
Thank You (dih-doo)
Drink (dih'tt)
Bubbles (buh-bah!)
Hello (ah-wah?)
Words I DON'T Say:
Dada (at least, not to the people whom these words represent)
I have 8 teeth (although 4 of them are still hard to see)
I wear 9-12 month sized clothes
I wear size 3 shoes
And although I'm getting MORE hair... I still don't have much. However, the ladies at daycare set this look up for me. I guess it's called "antenna!"

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She's very sweet.