As usual, she did great with her shots, and only cried for maybe 30 seconds. For this and many other experiences with her, I tend to think she has a pretty decent pain tolerance.
So, how is she doing? Great. She seemed to be on track for all the milestones they look for in this age. When the nurse went to put her on the scale, she asked if we had any guesses. Ray didn't, but I ventured 19.5... she was 19.6. Go me! Not bad, since the battery in our scale at home is dead so I haven't been able to weigh her since she was about 10 months old. So 19.6 lbs puts her at the 20th percentile for her weight. Her height was 29 1/4 inches, which is the 49th percentile. And her head... 65th! The doctor states that Maia is definitely continuing on the growth pattern that she established for herself.
The doctor was pleased. Only issue mentioned was the rattly cough she has (again) following her last cold. I'm thinking it's reasonable to expect that there are some mild environmental allergies there, but they don't seem to bother her, and there isn't much they can do to treat them at this age anyway. She would certainly come by them genetically!
What a petite little thing she is, though... 12 months and 20 lbs for forward-facing car seats... and she's not 20 lbs yet! Which is actually just as well - she's still in her bucket car seat anyway - and that one happens to go up to 35 lbs. That said, Ray and I are definitely tired of carrying her bucket seat back and forth to daycare each day, so the research is on for the right car seat for her and for our car to keep her safe. And, the fact of the matter is, this child will be spending up to 11 HOURS in that car seat for several trips a year for the foreseeable future... so comfy and safe are important!