So I'm heading out for sausage biscuits (Ray's fave breakfast for his first Father's Day). I take one step out the door into the garage and twist my ankle on the step (fortunately only one) and fall. I land on my right side thigh/hip. By the time I land I know this is not good. I'm not going to be able to get up without assistance. Fortunately, adrenaline is pumping, so baby starts kicking to let me know she's okay (thanks sweetie!) Didn't hit tummy or anything, so I'm not too worried there.
I can't believe this. I'm such an idiot.
I start knocking on the door to the house to get Ray's attention (he's downstairs watching TV). He assumes I've just locked myself out, but by the 2nd time I knocked, he hurries a little more. He helps me up, gets me inside and we put me in the recliner with my ankle up (I can't put weight on it) and we take a look at it. There is a huge goose egg on the ankle just to the side of the bone and it's already turning black and blue.
This is later in the afternoon after some icing.
So we get in the car and head to ER. I did have to get an x-ray, which makes me a little nervous about baby (despite the lead cover they lay on you which went from my knees to my chest) so I'm trying not to google it.
Anyway - it's a bad sprain. They gave me crutches (which I'm horrible at) but I've given up on those already and didn't bring them to work today. I did, however, wake up SORE in places I didn't realize were involved.
So between that, and Ray's "Play at the Plate" slide last week Wednesday, we are kind of a mess. We went through a lot of telfa pads, neosporin and gauze!
Oh, and with two months left to go... I'm already officially huge!
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