In my heart, I've been feeling that this baby is a girl for most of the pregnancy so far. Various friends and family have their own opinions (Tara is convinced it's a boy!)
So all morning before the ultrasound, I prepare myself in case I'm wrong and it's a boy. Either way, we'll be happy - we can't loose with either gender. Ray and I meet in the waiting room and Ray gets a page. The office pool is two to one - but he won't tell me which way.
During the ultrasound, the tech checks out my organs first, then start checking out baby. Size, development, etc. Starting from the head. We see baby's face, lips moving, hands fluttering by head. Arms, little round abdomen, legs, feet. Baby is moving gently and is very patient while we stare in awe (I swear, only a few tiny tears squeeze out of my smiling eyes). Finally the ultrasound tech says, "Yeah, there's nothing there..." and finally finishes the thought with "Yep. I see three parallel lines... it's a girl!"
Baby is about 15 ounces today. Estimated due date is still between August 9th and 11th.
Baby's Face (closeup)
Baby's Spine
Hands by Face & Abdomen
Arms and Legs
Side View
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