Sunday, December 29, 2013


"At home, I have an invisible shelf where I keep my listening ears," says Maia.

"You do? How many pairs do you have?" I ask.

"Oh, at least ten-ish or more."

"Wow. I see." I pause thoughtfully. "Are some of those 'selective listening ears?'"

"Yeah. Two pair. And a couple others don't work very well at all. But I magically transported a pair of good listening ears for today," she says, matter-of-factly. "I think I need to get the other ones fixed."

Friday, December 20, 2013

Holiday Concert

I apologize for the shaky video...  but Enjoy!  My little guy in the blue and red plaid.

Ah, the fidgety joy of preschoolers. The wave to the parents at 0:32, The over-enunciation at 0:47, Parker's deep voiced "Like George Washington!" at the end. Love it, love it!

Oh, and Maia's got to get her cameo in. Check out the bottom of the screen around 0:10. See the hands holding up a piece of paper? She made a sign that said "I love you Parker" (she got most of the letters all by herself, but she isn't terribly concerned with spacing right now, so had you seen the front of it, you may not have realized it actually contained words. Just some very  l a r g e letters). Clearly, she's his biggest fan.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Mommy and me as fairies. Sorry, I ran out of time to give you arms.