Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ashes, ashes...

Picking up the kids from daycare on Ash Wednesday, Maia noticed the mother of one of her friends with a dark smudge of ash on her forehead.  "Why does Ella's mom have purple marker all over her forehead?" 

Oh honey! I chuckle, Today is something called Ash Wednesday. Some people think about the bad choices they make sometimes and how sorry they are for making those choices and how much they want to change and make good choices.  The go to church to get ashes on their forehead, just for today, to remind them to try not to make bad choices anymore. 

Oh. She ponders. "I make bad choices sometimes."
Yes, I tell her, everyone does.

Fast Forward, next morning, in the car.  I am just about to open my door to get her out at the daycare drop off when she animatedly tells me: "Mom. I don't want to make bad choices today so I'm going to put some purple marker on my head too!"

I'm not sure that was such a good choice either... but I appreciate the sentiment! Now where are the wipes?
She did not appreciate my exasperated chuckle and the need to take a photo.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ol' Grey Tooth

Sometime around the end of November, Parker took two rather nasty tumbles that ended in bloody lips, both within a week of each other.  After a little while, we noticed one of his front teeth started to turn gray.

We were worried, of course, because it just kept getting darker and darker, and were worried that he had permanently damaged his tooth... and, well... we didn't have dental coverage on him yet as our pediatrician and pediatric dentist don't recommend visits until they're 3. 

This is probably the best photo I have for seeing it... see the right front tooth (well, his left)?  It looks a little shadowy.
Tooth Noir?
Concerned, I did some googling and was satisfied to learn that 1: there wasn't much we could do, and 2: sometimes they go away on their own.  Basically, it's a bruise inside the tooth; and as long as the tooth itself wasn't broken or damaged, we were fine.

So when insurance started for P at the new year, I made an appointment.  Our pediatric dentist's office is about the coolest place ever. It's decorated with a new theme every few months and it's always over the top.
This time: snowmen.  Parker was delighted with what he found and performed a good 15 minutes of very vocal pretending with his two "wace cawrs" which was eliciting some amused chuckles from the parents of older kids. Pretty sure he could have stayed there all day.  Some how, he often manages to say a lot more when his big sister isn't around to lead the way.

But eventually it was time to go back and get an X-Ray.  He did awesome.
I got to see the X-Rays while gave him a ride in the fancy chair and counted his teeth. No cleaning until next time.  His x-rays looked clear, even to me, and his teeth looked healthy (yay!)
In fact, the gray that we'd been seeing in December and January did finally seem to be fading, and so we I was assured we were good to go until he returns at three.  He was kind and took a sticker for Maia (he doesn't like them, unless it's to stick to paper. Absolutely NOT on his clothes or skin!) and he got a couple of cars for his visit.
Smart dentist. Happy Boy!  And gray tooth no more.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Their first time down a big hill and what a gorgeous day!

Maia liked it better than Parker. He got a face full of cold powder and was done. Maia was happy to go far and fast and crash into the snow.

Can we go again after nap, mama?


We had a great snow day at home. The week started out in the 50s and raining... by Saturday... 18" of snow and temps in the teens.

We played in the yard in the morning. I made french bread from scratch (yay me!). We even got to swing a little.

After Parker took his nap, we headed over to Grandma and Papa's to play in the snow with Casey. The kids even got a shovel ride from Papa.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Best friends

I absolutely l.o.v.e. how my kids play well together and find comfort in each other. They are really good friends!

I wonder how long that will last?

Look who learned how to wink!!

... and totally needs a haircut.