Friday, October 21, 2011

Best Mommy

Here Mommy.  I'm going to give you a smiley face on your hand, because you're being a very good mommy today. 
Oh. It looks a little angry... That's okay, because you're still my best mommy!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Leaf-ing, and leaving.

Toward the end of the week, the air got cooler and we started to wind down.
All these beautiful leaves...
 and still lots of them to rake up.  So we spent a little more time outdoors.
 Maia was delighted to help!
 Raymond and Ray took on a huge project. Clearing out the over growth under the cedars in the back corner of our yard.  At the end of their project, we learned that there was a grey house behind us, and that they have a dog and kids.  We'd not seen much of that corner of our neighborhood before. 

Unfortunately, this left us with a HUGE pile of branches that took Ray weeks to break up and get into our lawn service.
 While the Rays worked on the branches and I made dinner, Effie and Maia filled up bags of leaves, and mooshed them down.

After a wonderful week together, it was time to say goodbye, and we were sorry to see everyone go.  So Maia drew herself a picture of Aunt Tara... see?
(incidentally, this is the first time I'd ever seen her draw anything resembling a face, so this was pretty cool for me!)
Maia is frequently asking when Nana and Grandpa and Aunt Tara were coming back... or maybe we could just go to New York tomorrow, okay mommy?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Autumn Gardening (2)

We went to find drier places to explore.  The puppet theatre is fun, but it became apparent that it was past time for a snack, and children were getting a little cranky. 
So off to the tea party at the tree house, where other kids also sit and snack.
Then Maia was off to explore. The rope-and-plank bridge was a LOT of fun for Maia. But not so much fun that she couldn't peek through and give a shout out to Parker and Nana!

Closing time was approaching, so we started heading back.  
We stopped briefly at the sculpture entitled "Mad Mom" (Tom Otterness).
Why is she mad, momma?  
Probably because her children weren't using their listening ears.
Continuing up the path, we stopped to watch the pigeons (can we call them doves? it sounds so much nicer!) at the bird feeding station.
Nana got down to watch with Maia, and tell her a little bit about what was going on.  Oh, and maybe if Maia was still enough, a bird would wander close to her.
One did.
Maia wasn't sure she liked that at first... but then maybe she did!
I'm sure this is wishful thinking, but can I get a pic of both my kids sitting amid these mammoth pumpkins?
No? How about just Maia then?
Hmm. Okay then.
Fine. Lovely.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Autumn Gardening (part 1)

Wednesday afternoon after nap time, Effie and I took the kids to the Gardens.  We always wander the indoor gardens first. Usually there is somewhere nice for photo taking in the Victorian Gardens. This would have been MUCH more interesting if my children had cooperated in the slightest.  I think they were both sitting on these chairs for approximately 3-6 seconds.
Parker, once released from the stroller, wanted to R U N !!!!
Yay, running!
Parker's current phase: if you head toward Parker to catch or corral him, he giggles and runs away as fast as his little legs can carry him!

Maia needed a penny to throw in the fountain. 
 I'm not sure she really made a wish.
Next, the tropical conservatory.
Parker: back in his stroller. Then it was Maia who wanted to run in the opposite direction... pushing Parker in the stroller.  Unfortunately, while she is getting better, she's still not a great stroller driver.  She runs into things, people; runs over toes.  Is a general menace to foot traffic.
She is in absolute denial over her lack of skill; so there were some hairy moments before we got our listening ears and walking feet working.

Off to the Sensory Garden.
How'd he get out of the stroller?
Next - the Great Lakes! 
They both had a GREAT time!

Maia is so much taller, she has a lot more option of where to sail her boat!

Nana spent a LOT of time herding Parker.

The kids love the water areas, and both got dully soaked as the shadows lengthened.  We moved on to some drier areas before the park closed.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Park

Tuesday was an even more beautiful day.  And I missed it, because I was working.  
Everyone else headed over to Hagar Park (a place where I spent many hours as a child) to play for a while.  This nifty play place didn't arrive on the scene until my teenage years.  At that time, you could climb a ladder up about 8-10 feet to stand on a decked platform to see this:
It's the United States. Can you see it?
Ray and Maia traveled all the way to New York!
There was lots of fun to be had...
... and lots of adults to have fun with.
And lots of steps and places to explore.

 Working on some arm strength.
 And whenever there is a group photo, someone's gotta put the bunny ears up.
 Thanks grandpa.

We can even make the ride home some fun.

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Aunt Tara this night. Maia says: But, I'm really going to miss her! 
And she does. And we do too.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Playing with Grandpa

Is there anything better?

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Hi. We're going to rake some leaves. In short sleeves. How often does that happen?
What? You're revolted?

Maia will help with the rake she got for her birthday from Grandma.
Then we can jump in the pile!

Maybe I'm not so sure about this...
  I am!

But Nana and Aunt Tara will play with us.
What fun!