We went up to Interlochen to camp over the weekend of the 4th of July. Tent camping with 2 under 3. We might not be smart. Anyway.
We decided to leave after work, stopping on the way for what we'd hoped would be a "quick dinner" but it turned out not to be as Maia's pull up (which we put on her 'just in case') was so full it had leaked and soaked her clothes and seat. Apparently she ate a
lot of watermelon at school.
So as a result, the kids got to bed
really late that night, although we did get our tent set up fairly quickly, thanks to Grandma, Papa, Aunt Kathleen, Emily, Adrian and Lydia all eager to help us keep the kids busy.
Naps are always a challenge when you are a kid and are out of your routine. And it was also forecast to be cooler at night than it proved to be, so I clearly packed the Wrong Kind of Pajamas.
Naps and bedtimes in general for both were really awful... although worse for Maia than for Parker.

Both kids seemed to do fairly well despite the lack of sleep, and off their eating schedules. Ray and I may not have done quite as well with them being off their schedules.
But the kids got to use their chairs that I got them for Christmas, although Parker wanted
nothing to do with the snack tray feature.
I'd hoped Parker would be walking by this time, hoping it might keep him a little cleaner than if he was crawling (the dirt is very dark and sandy at this campground). But for the most part, he chose to cruise anyway, so it turned out just fine.
Since Parker wasn't quite walking, but was able to cruise with good confidence, Papa spent a LOT of time walking with Parker, and having him hold onto this re-purposed broom. (The broom had an unfortunate entanglement with a pop-up camper on a previous closing.) Leave it to Papa to find a new way to use a broken object!
It was nice to have some cousin-time...

... and grandparent time.