Sunday, January 31, 2010
Over half-way!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Did you notice?
Maia and her color book
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Parent Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Random Recent Funnies
It's true, though... she really is getting pretty funny.
From Maia's recent Daily Sheets from daycare
Maia is doing very well with her colors! We practiced them in circle today and she was very interested in the books that we read about colors. She had fun climbing the piles of snow with Celia. She watched me while I wrote our friends' names on the artwork on our wall, and repeated the name after I wrote it. We went to visit the grandmas and grandpas today. Maia climbed into one of the grandpa's laps. In other news... Maia has been having some issues with trying to bite her friends at daycare. Often she will go to bite a friend and if her teachers catch her, she will stop and ask "I bite?" Today, however, she got very upset with a friend who took her toy, and went in for the bite... missed, and bit herself. She was shocked! And her teachers tried very hard not to laugh. She is seeming to have a little explosion of development of late. Language, concepts, ability to follow more complex directions. She is doing very well with identifying shapes, but is hit and miss with colors. She is very, very interested in letters... She will randomly identify them correctly. If you show her one A, she can find another. When the alphabet song is playing, she will randomly "sing" the next letter. She'll actually do this with words of songs, too. She will also answer some of her own questions with our usual responses. For example, when in the car and listening to her favorite CD, a song will end and she will ask "More? more?" And we will say "You wait, it's coming!" She will now say "More? It coming, it coming!" She is also continuing to show pretty good understanding of what her little potty is for... but I don't think she's completely ready to really start potty training, so I am not pushing it yet. At daycare, her teachers are sending her over to the infant room for 10-15 minutes a day to get acquainted with the newest baby... who is currently about 9 weeks old. This is fortuitous, as it will help Maia get some exposure to what newborns are like. So far, the only new babies in the infant room have been older, and already on the move. So I appreciate the timing! So far, she has been fairly interested in the new baby (she has always loved to visit the infant room anyway), and enjoyed petting him (like a dog!) today. Also, Maia is getting really good at stairs, and can alternate her legs going up if you hold on to her hand. Otherwise, she will walk up with one hand on the step to support her. Her favorite way to get down the entire set of stairs is to slide down on her belly. However, she's certainly able to go down them holding on to your hand.Sunday, January 24, 2010
Art O' the (last) Month...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Ultrasound at 19 weeks, 2 days
As for the important part of the ultrasound... all anatomy signs are looking good. They saw what they were hoping to see. Brain parts, spine parts, heart parts, abdominal parts. But no, we decided not to ask to see the boy or girl parts. We're thrilled with a healthy baby!
Heartbeat during the ultrasound was about 160, which was faster than it had been, but seemed a little slower when we met with the doctor later. All the measurements were showing right on track with a 6/11 or 6/12 due date. The baby was average, average, average... which is exactly where they want the baby to be.
Interestingly, this time, the placenta is attached to the anterior (front) wall, which means that while I will feel the baby's kicks, punches and somersaults; Ray probably will not until the baby is MUCH stronger. That also means that should something hit my abdomen (like Maia's kicking feet on the diaper table), this baby has a little extra cushion than usual in there.
As for me: My blood pressure is continuing to be lower than it usually runs when I'm not pregnant... which seems to be my trend. I've gained more weight than I'd wanted to by this point, but the OB thinks I'm doing well (that's right... tell the hungry lady what she wants to hear...). The headaches, he thinks, are probably more related to an inconsistency with my daily caffeine levels. He tells me I need to dose the same every day. Either none every day, one every day or two every day... he's not worried about my consumption, just the fluctuation. Oh, and more fluids would probably help too.
Next OB visit is the yummy, yummy glucose beverage and some difficult blood drawing (difficult because I'm difficult to draw, not because it's supposed to be a challenge). I will be half-way through this pregnancy in just a few short days! It's going soooooo fast!!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Washing Her Hands...
Friday, January 8, 2010
Ray's Birthday
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Maia says her ABCs
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Independent Girl
The next milestones we are considering for Maia are transitioning to a convertable car seat (rather overdue, although I think we will continue to leave her rear facing for a while yet) - which I hope to buy this weekend. Also for this winter/spring perhaps a toddler bed, and potty training.
Earlier this week, I finally decided on a potty that didn't seem too much like a toy, however, Maia still decided it would be fun to put her sippy cup in it and push it around.
Last evening, as Ray prepped Maia for her bath,
she was playing with her potty and managed to pee on the floor (whoops!). This evening, however, just before bed, I brought Maia to the bathroom, took of her pants and diaper to sit her on the potty for a few minutes while we got ready for bed. She stood up in about 10 seconds. As I was telling her to sit down, I looked and she had, in fact, peed in her potty! I was just stunned!
I imagine she may have the idea of what needs to happen because of the other kids who are probaby going through potty training at daycare. They have a (very short) toilet in the diaper changing area in the room.
That said, however, she hasn't repeated the feat, and isn't all that interested in sitting on it. I suspect it's probably not really all that comfy for her.
She has no shortage of personality, and she knows what she wants. And if you don't get it... she will tell you "NO!" or, less adamantly, "nah!" with lots of head shaking, until you figure out what it is she does want. Like when she asks "ah-seeng?" - I have to remember that means she wants me to sing, and then I have to go through a list of about 15 songs to see if I can figure out which song she's looking for. If I get it wrong, she'll tell me "no, no, no" until I stop singing and keep going through the list. If I don't stop, she starts to get mad. A little drama!
But on some times, she'll tell me which song: "Baa baa bahshee?" (Baa, baa, black sheep) "Up-a-bah.." (up above, which means Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star), or "Teapah?" (I'm a Little Teapot). I can't wait until she can communicate more! I'm sure it will save us all some frustration, as she often knows what she is saying, but we can't understand it all. She has spoken a paragraph, and we didn't catch a word!