Thursday, July 31, 2008
Okay. Now I'm depressed.
After a weekend of a few painful contractions, and LOTS of general crampiness, plenty of water and walking... I was thinking there was a good possibility I'd made some progress, and there might be an end in sight. And again... no good news. I'm still the same. No dilation, 50% effaced.
My feet are always swollen now, but BP is still looking good: 120/70 - so this is not something to be concerned about... just an annoyance. So I'm not at all interested in opinions and comments about it. My self-esteem has taken enough of a hit in the last few weeks, and my frustration level is high. I'm not sleeping well, my fingers are numb, and I'm generally miserable and ready to meet my baby girl (even though I won't be able to feel her with my fingertips when she gets here). Also not encouraging was the fact that the OB said it may take several months after delivery for my fluid issues to resolve.
There are a few minor things that still need to be done. Her dresser has arrived at the local Walmart and needs to be picked up and assembled. But I need Ray to do that. I'm doing what I can around the house, but my energy resources are low.
I'm ready. My body and my baby seem not to be on board.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
No progress... sigh.
There was no particularly good news today. I had a really rough night: not much sleep, horribly disturbing dreams, and what I'm now referring to as "carpal tunnel arms." Carpal tunnel syndrome is apparently quite common in later pregnancy as the body amasses all this extra blood and fluid in preparation for delivery... which puts pressure on... well, everything. In my case, the numbness and tingling and pain reaches from my shoulder blades to my fingertips, and seems to be even more painful when I'm laying down. The only prescription for relief is DELIVERY.
So I was hoping for good news... but didn't get it. No specific progress from last week (although, I'm not surprised. After the horrible dream I had last night, I wouldn't have been surprised had my body shut up shop completely). So it's probably not going to be this week. Oh, and the doctor said he had my due date estimated at August 12th, instead of the 9th. It's only 3 days... but I'm consistently uncomfortable enough to be ready NOW.
Just didn't put a spring in my step heading out of the office, ya know?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Last Shower
The Pools threw me a great shower on July 19th, and we had a really nice time with friends and family. I have some printed pics, but didn't get a chance to take many myself before the festivities started. I'm hoping to get some others from my sister to post.

And here's a belly pic from the 21st (best I could do, taking one myself).
And here's a belly pic from the 21st (best I could do, taking one myself).
Friday, July 18, 2008
Backing up a little...
I finally got some pics from my baby shower at work, thought I'd share. It was held on July 9th, and we had a really nice time. They love an excuse to party, and my co-workers are extremely generous. We continue to be extremely fortunate and blessed!
Here are my co-workers who helped organize the party:
Missy, (myself), Kelly (party-planner extraordinaire) and Angie

We got some great and unique gifts...

Here are my co-workers who helped organize the party:
Missy, (myself), Kelly (party-planner extraordinaire) and Angie

We got some great and unique gifts...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
36.5 weeks
So today was the first of the weekly OB visits.
I am still measuring about a week ahead.
I am 50% effaced and anterior (which he says is good)
I'm not dilated.
The baby is definitely head down.
Heartbeat was in the 150s.
We read over our birth plan with our OB, and he was in agreement with our plan.
And she seems to have settled a little lower today, and I've definitely got a serious pregnancy waddle today.
So here's where we are...
This is day number 255 and you're 36 weeks pregnant!
You have 25 days or 4 weeks left, and are 91.1% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 241 days or 34 weeks
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Yep... still poppin'
So here we are at 36 weeks (we're almost at term!)

It's funny... I don't FEEL like I look this big...

However... she does seem (to me) to be mostly out front, and not settled low or to the sides. She is, however... starting to get lower. I've been able to breathe for the last week, and haven't had to push her out of my ribcage every day.

Oh, and the ankles have not been swollen today, and are totally and completely identifiable as ANKLES. See? I tell ya... that pregnancy massage is good stuff!
It's funny... I don't FEEL like I look this big...
However... she does seem (to me) to be mostly out front, and not settled low or to the sides. She is, however... starting to get lower. I've been able to breathe for the last week, and haven't had to push her out of my ribcage every day.
Oh, and the ankles have not been swollen today, and are totally and completely identifiable as ANKLES. See? I tell ya... that pregnancy massage is good stuff!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Nursery and things...
So ever since we had our last OB visit, at which he said: Okay - well, now's the time you're going to have to start watching out for edema... BAM. Every day, BOTH ankles are swollen (before it was just the sprained one). Sheesh. I blame my OB... power of suggestion and all that (since I really have had VERY little trouble with that before!) So after a week and a half of that annoyance, I booked another massage because the last one helped me get rid of that fluid around my sprain so nicely. Had that this morning, feel pretty good, and swelling is definitely better. The ankle is feeling much more solid, as well, so I'm hoping that I can start walking more regularly.
So after the massage (my masseuse, Michelle is awesome!), I started putting away things from the baby shower they threw me at work on Wednesday the 9th, and put a few "finishing touches" on the nursery. We've got one more shower to go, next weekend, thrown by the Pools. After that, I'm planning to get the cradle set up, and I've got another round or two of baby things to wash. And get my hospital bag packed.
So here is the nursery... mostly good to go!
I've got the wall hangings up, finally. I still need to put up some shelves.

Without a changing table, I thought I'd better get the Pack N Play set up so we won't ALWAYS have to change her on the bed or the floor!

She has toys and books...

And lots of clothes...

She will be a very well dressed girl!

I love the cushions I found for the rocking chair.

I'm not full-on nesting yet (still rather tired) but I'm feeling more of a time crunch to get things done.
This is day number 252 and you're 36 weeks pregnant!
You have 28 days or 4 weeks left, and are 90.0% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 238 days or 34 weeks.
So after the massage (my masseuse, Michelle is awesome!), I started putting away things from the baby shower they threw me at work on Wednesday the 9th, and put a few "finishing touches" on the nursery. We've got one more shower to go, next weekend, thrown by the Pools. After that, I'm planning to get the cradle set up, and I've got another round or two of baby things to wash. And get my hospital bag packed.
So here is the nursery... mostly good to go!
I've got the wall hangings up, finally. I still need to put up some shelves.
Without a changing table, I thought I'd better get the Pack N Play set up so we won't ALWAYS have to change her on the bed or the floor!
She has toys and books...
And lots of clothes...
She will be a very well dressed girl!
I love the cushions I found for the rocking chair.
I'm not full-on nesting yet (still rather tired) but I'm feeling more of a time crunch to get things done.
This is day number 252 and you're 36 weeks pregnant!
You have 28 days or 4 weeks left, and are 90.0% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 238 days or 34 weeks.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Last Ones...
Well... this is it. This is our last (sorta) vacation without a child for a long time to come. The last time I get to be responsible for just one person. And it's only a 3 day weekend.
That said, I'm greatly looking forward to it. I've desperately been needing to get away. Change of scenery. Work is exceedingly stressful and chaotic due to issues largely beyond my control, and partially due to my preference to control them. And things just having very bad timing. Simultaneously I am also getting to the point where I have room for much less than usual in my head, and I'm getting more tired.
We're at 5 weeks until our due date. Two showers still upcoming (we've very blessed). And the baby's room is mostly set up and ready to go. Just need a cradle mattress and car seat (which I don't want to purchase before the next shower).
Ray and I are also trying to decide on some other household expenditures. I waffle between just going ahead (we need to do them eventually) and trying to save every penny for the unpaid weeks of my maternity leave. Choices!
Oh, and we had another opportunity for egress window animal rescue. We had a baby bunny stuck in there earlier this week, which Ray had to lift out with a snow shovel.

This is day number 243 and you're 34 weeks pregnant!
You have 37 days or 5 weeks left, and are 86.8% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 229 days or 32 weeks.
That said, I'm greatly looking forward to it. I've desperately been needing to get away. Change of scenery. Work is exceedingly stressful and chaotic due to issues largely beyond my control, and partially due to my preference to control them. And things just having very bad timing. Simultaneously I am also getting to the point where I have room for much less than usual in my head, and I'm getting more tired.
We're at 5 weeks until our due date. Two showers still upcoming (we've very blessed). And the baby's room is mostly set up and ready to go. Just need a cradle mattress and car seat (which I don't want to purchase before the next shower).
Ray and I are also trying to decide on some other household expenditures. I waffle between just going ahead (we need to do them eventually) and trying to save every penny for the unpaid weeks of my maternity leave. Choices!
Oh, and we had another opportunity for egress window animal rescue. We had a baby bunny stuck in there earlier this week, which Ray had to lift out with a snow shovel.
This is day number 243 and you're 34 weeks pregnant!
You have 37 days or 5 weeks left, and are 86.8% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 229 days or 32 weeks.
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